Chapter 1

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Was Yukari finished with messing in the outside world? Unfortunately not. She now watched a scene of the two Komeiji sisters preparing to leave.


Satori Komeiji and Koishi Komeiji stood outside Gensokyo's borders. She made sure to make them as inconspicuous as possible, as they were going to a different country. She put an illusion on both of them so that anybody won't recognize them nor find they out of place. 

She made both of their hair a warm brown. Next, she wore a blue sweatshirt, a pink shirt underneath with grey shorts. She also decided to keep her headband. Koishi wore a yellow sweatshirt with a green tennis skirt. Like Satori, she kept her sunhat. To top their looks, they wore black shoes that somehow went okay with their clothes. Of course, they also have to make their 'eyes' invisible.

Then, they stepped into one of the gaps that immediately led them into a narrow alleyway in America. They finally arrived! The two walked towards Central Park, chattering happily.

Tony POV

I decided to check out the cameras to make sure the city was A-Ok. Like always, it was boring. Until the signal got jammed when it scanned Central Park. Okay, that was weird. 

"Jarvis? Get Banner here," I said. Now, you may be thinking, after I uploaded Jarvis into Vision, how is he back? The answer is that he isn't, I built a new one. The old one was caled 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System', Jarvis for short. This new one is called 'Just Another Rather Very Intelligent System', also Jarvis for short.

"Mr. Banner will be notified immediately," The AI replied.

Soon, Bruce arrived.

"What did you call me for?" He asked.

"The cams lost signal while scanning over Central Park, or more precisely, near this section," I pointed on the holographic map.


"Can you help me fix this?"

"Hey, I'm not the tech genius, you are,"

"We're science bros so we help each other out,"

"Fine," He rolled his eyes.

He moved to the front, clicking a few keys and such. Until he threw his hands up in frustration.

"Can't," He said.

"I guess I'll go get Capsicle," I muttered, walking upstairs.

"What's up?" Steve asked, sitting on the couch.

"Something jamming the cams in Central Park," I replied, "Neither me nor Jolly Green here can hack to find the problem,"

"You want me to go check it out?"

"Yes, just in case there really is something dangerous interfering,"

"Can I come with you?" Peter asked Steve.

"Yeah, sure,"

They walked into the elevator and out of the building.

With Steve and Peter

Something disturbing the cams? Something powerful enough the block Tony and Bruce's hacking? 

"Hey, thing's moving towards the lake," Peter pointed on Steve's phone that showed the area that was effected by the thing.

Soon, they arrived at Central Park at the lake.

"Hey Tony? I don't see anything suspicious here," Steve said to his earpiece.

"Maybe look for anyone suspicious that's sticking out?" He suggested.

"I just said that there wasn't anyone suspicious,"

"Correction. You said there was anything suspicious,"

"You understand what I mean,"

"Just keep looking,"

Tony was no help, he didn't say anything helpful! 

"Steve! Peter!"

They turned around to see Wanda and Pietro Maximoff walking towards them.

"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked with a slight accent.

"Just a bug in cams of Central Park, no biggie,"

Peter explained the whole thing before the twins could reply. The sun started to set and people started to leave. 

"Are you sure you want to keep searching?" Pietro asked.

"Now's  the perfect time, you know?" Steve replied, "The thing is still near the lake and people are leaving,"

"So only the thing jamming the signal will stay and we could find it,"

They sat on a nearby bench, looking around. Soon, other than them, there were only two girls sitting by the lake. 

"I think it's them," Peter pointed to the pair.

With Satori and Koishi

They took a walk in a giant park. Satori and Koishi strolled to a nearby lake and sat down. After awhile, Satori sensed a few people coming.

Ugh, cams got jammed again, one person thought. Satori felt that this presence was male, a grown man. That guy must have known that something blocked the cams. Must have been her powers, recently, she found out that she could not only manipulate living minds, but artificial too. Then, she senced two more people joining the first two, one female, another male.

Then, the sun set down.

Those two are suspicious, a different person thought. 

"I think it's them," A voice whispered.

Knowing that they would approach them, she turned around. Two men were tall and muscular. One was blond, the other had his hair dyed white. The women was slightly shorter and wore a brown leather jacket. Finnally, there was a boy who seemed about 15. 

"Hello," Satori stood up, "Can I help you?"

That was the basic approach that she learned, no yelling, no screaming, no throwing and definitely no eating like a certain youkai would.

"Hey, something jamming our cams' signal," The blond guy said.

"What do you need us for?"

"We suspect it might be you as the only thing remaining here is well... you two," 

"You really think the camera's signal could be blocked by two girls," Koishi put her hands on her hips.

Satori looked at her, but was secretly trying to stop her ability from jamming the signal.

"May—" The teenager suddenly pointed on the blond guy's phone, "The signal returned,"

"Never mind then," Blondie replied.

The two other people that accompanied them shared a look, then started chattering.

With da Avengers

"We forgot to ask their names," Wanda said after an awkward moment of silence.

"What for?" Her brother asked.

"If they really are inhuman, we'd at least be able to know them,"

Peter nodded in agreement while Steve just looked serious, saying nothing. With that, they walked back to the Avengers Tower.

Eek! I hope this chapter was okay! By the way, I'll also continue When Touhou met Mha, so no worries!

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