Part 24

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"What is all of that?"

I ask Sam as he walks into my room with his hands full. I am almost done packing my backpack for my trip.

"If I'm going to let you go off into the jungle again this is everything you will need."

I look through the items and roll my eyes.

"Ok I'm not taking all of that but thank you."

He lets out a loud sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair. I sit down on the bed next to him.

"I'll be ok. I'm not looking forward to camping in the jungle during our trek to his house but Tarzan will be there to keep me safe."

"I know you like him and all but I still don't trust him. I can't stop you from going and you can't stop me from worrying."

"Well I told him I was staying here tonight. So how about you cook some dinner and when I'm done here we have a movie night."

"Sounds good. Pizza?"

"Perfect. Now get, so I can finish up."


It has been a long two days, or at least it has felt that way. When we step out into the clearing with the small watering hole with its gentle waterfall I almost collapse on the ground. I was starting to think we would never find this place. I had put a lot of trust in Tarzan's ability to track and navigate the jungle. We were given the GPS points for the plane crash site and from there he was able to find our way back here. I don't think twice before I drop my backpack to the ground and start taking my shoes, shirt, and shorts off as I walk towards the refreshing water.

The blissful feeling of the cool water on my skin is unimaginable. I turn around to look at Tarzan and tell him to join me but he isn't there. That's when I am hit with a large splash. I wipe my eyes of water and look at a soaking wet Tarzan smirking at me. It instantly makes me think about the last time I saw him in the water. My cheeks heat up. He starts to swim closer to me. He wipes water off my face.

"As much as I am enjoying's getting dark and we need to check on the condition of the house."

I drop my head back into the water and whimper. I look back at him and nod.


We get out of the water. I slip my shirt and shorts back on and I grab my bag. I find Tarzan waiting for me just as shirtless and shoeless as the day I met him. The only difference being his shorter hair. He reaches out a hand and we head towards the house.

I won't lie I am half surprised the house is still standing. Tarzan isn't as surprised. He removes the locks and barricades he created for the door and we enter the small shack he calls home. Besides a lot of dust the house looks just like we left it. I had expected animals to have done at least some damage.

Before we get to cleaning we take a walk to the garden. It did not fare so well. It was overgrown and animals had definitely been feeding themselves out of it. My heart breaks a little at the sight.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. I knew after being away for months it would not be untouched."

He starts walking again and I follow him to the back where his parents' graves are. We start pulling the overgrowth off them and clean the area up a bit. We stand in silence for a moment before heading back to the house.

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