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(In a dark place,a girl was crying)

Girl:jesus,what a fate written on my head,why my fate brings me here,i didn't done any mistake to anyone,why is this punishment for me,I cannot bear the pain anymore,plz i cannot bear the pain

(she was pleaded infront of holy cross ➕,a man appeared behind her,his face is not shown)

Man:dont cry ma,jesus will help you to outcome to all sorts of problems

The girl:I'm trying but i didn't get any solution for that

Man:the things done to you is not fair dr,they should get the punishment from your hand,for what they did

Girl:i cannot harm anyone,lord has made me good heart,

Man:you are god's gifted child dr, there is only way

Girl:what can I do

Man:you have to take revenge,you are a pure soul,the intentionally did a great sin to you,even you have the rights to punish them

Girl:how can I

Man:human have all the rights to punish the evil person who have no rights to live in earth,even god kills the evil entity for people welfare

(Girl thinked for a while)

Girl:okay,you are saying Crt,what mistake I did,I will take revenge, they are going to see my other face

Man:god bless you dr,Jesus be with you

(Girl nooded and left)

Girl:I don't know who did this to me,but I will find with my powers

(On the other side,a handsome hunk is getting ready looking hot, stunning his intense and magical eyes make all the people will fell for him,A man came to him)

The man:sir,concert is going to start,all the people are gathered and they are calling,shall we go

(He turned his face it was non other than our hero jacob our rockstar)

Jacob:ok,i'm coming eric

(The man was none other than Eric,his manager)

(At that time someone came and hugged him,it was none other than Joseph)

Joseph:All the best da,concert is going to start

Jacob:thanks da,why are you late?

Joseph:The big issue in our office,it takes times to solve,so i becomes late

Jacob:ok dude,come let's go

(joseph nodded his head as yes,Jacob went near stage and seeing the people cheering his name,he was happy for it,but same time he is sad)

Jacob POV:
   it was not my first concert but still i was in doing good,I were searching, searching in the people in the audience whether i can find her,but i didn't,it has been year since i met her,in each concert,i was praying god whether i will find her,but all goes in vain but i didn't lose my hope,still finding her,ya i was thinking to much right,yes i am,while these thought were running in my mind,my Eric called me & say me to start,i just nooded my head,i started 

(listen to the song and tune below, will fall in love with song,my favorite song)

(all of  them were staring him and enjoying his music and also mesmerized by the voice,but jacob was searching her but didn't find her, as the song gets over,he came to his makeup room,a girl came and hugged her from back)

the girl:its really nice concert i loved it,really i will say there is magic in your voice and hands

(Breaking the hug)

Jacob:thanks jenifer

(Yes the girl was non other than  jenifer)

Jenifer:between us no need of sorry and thanks babe

Jacob:don't call me babe,i have been said many times right,we are just friends ?

Jenifer:ok,ok relax

Jenifer (MV):soon your to be mine

(at that time Eric comes)

Eric:sir,its time you said to remind me that you will go to club

(He said and interrupted by jenifer)

Jenifer:he will not go club,he will come with us

Jacob:no,I'm  coming to club

("we will also comes there",a voice came from behind,they turned to see it was none other than joseph)

Jacob:It's ok,no problem,I will go da
Jenifer:we will also come with you

(Said with a puppy face)

(at last jacob agreed,they all went to club,he ws drinking alcohol,more and more,he felt dizzy,a girl came near him and starts to filtred with him)

Girl:hey babes,looking so hot,can i take a selfie

(she took the phone and open the camera she poses as she was kissing him,jenifer who was seeeing burning in jealous &anger and went to them,jenifer slapped her) 

Jenifer:how dare you?Rascal,if I see you here,I will kill you

That girl:what i did,i just want to take selfie,not more than that

Jenifer:its not the problem,stay in your limits or you will face consequences

(That girl went,jacob who was drunk not in sense)

jenifer:Jake,you are drunken,can i drop you in house

Jacob:no thanks,i will go

(She come closer and caresses his face with his fingers)

Jenifer:why babe,i will drop na,is there any problem

(Jacob held her and left her hand)

Jacob:i will go by own,and one more thing dont call me babe

(jenifer was about to say,but jacob left)

Jenifer:one day you are gonna be mine,then you can't reject me

(on the way jacob was driving thinking of his memories with her loved ones)

Jacob POV:
   my memories with you never left me, your smile, your care and your love,but what i did to you?why do you left me, i didn't done any mistake, but why, why are you making me remind all memories,i had loved you so much but what happened to you, without your memories my day  never end,But you betrayed me on that day,i loved you so much but now i hate you,i hate you so much,don't come infront of me


(he was in anger and his eyes were blood shot and his anger visible in eyes,there was heavy rain outside,he was drunken and also not in sense,he increases the speed of the car,at that time he apply the break but the break got failured,he hit the car in tree,blood was oozing from his head,he was in in semi-conscious state,the only word he uttered is)


(he become unconscious)

How was the part?

who was the girl praying front of holy cross?what is her problem?

will jacob will be alive?

Keep Imagining guys....

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See you in the next part, until then stay tuned ✨✨

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