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Rachel:but I have a condition....


Rachel:You should not show your money minded attitude towards us


Rachel:you should trust us

Caroline:what are you speaking

Jacob:ok,I accept your conditions

Rachel:then ok

Jacob: friends(He forwarded his hands)


(she forwarded her hand and they both handshake Joseph went to Caroline)

Joseph: friends (he went to hug her)

Caroline: what are you doing

Joseph:sry,I'm over excited

(Caroline rolled her eyes)

Joseph:friends na


(They both handshake,Rachel went to get fresh, trio were discussing)

Caroline:sorry for her conditions, she hates rich persons

Jacob:why any problem?

Caroline:its her personal,if I say she will scold,but one day I will say

(At that time,rachel came)

Rachel:what are you guys speaking?

Caroline:nothing,they were speaking about our studies,whether it is easy or tuff,isn't Jacob


Rachel:it's all about the way we are understanding

Jacob:oh...Ok,then we will go

Caroline:have the dinner and go

Jacob:it's ok no problem

Rachel:it's ok,without having food we will not allow to go,wait for 15 minutes,I will prepare and come

Joseph:yeah,I'm also hungry

(Rachel prepared the dinner and all had their dinner,after both Joseph and Jacob left)

(At rachel room, Caroline and rachel stays in same room)

Caroline:why do you put these conditions

Rachel:you know about my past, how the rich people are

Caroline:not everyone are bad

(rachel didn't say anything just tears were rolling from eyes,Caroline hugged rachel,she wiped the tears)

Note:why rachel is not liking rich people you will know in upcoming parts

Rachel:will you be with me forever

Caroline:what a question,I will be with you forever, until my death, don't worry,good night 😴

Rachel:good night caro😴(they slept)

(The days used to pass,all four become friends, Jacob and Rachel were feel something for each other)

(In evening time,Jacob and Joseph were went to coffee shop)

Jacob:What a hurry,can't you manage your headache

Joseph:you know I can't bear headache

Jacob:after marriage,your wife can't bear your hurry,dont who is that girl

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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