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Recap:Jacob gets shocked to know her name is Christina

Jacob:your name is Christina,ok show your file

(Jacob check the files and he asked some questions to her)

Jacob:very impressive about your IQ level,you are selected for the job Christina

Cristina:thank you sir

(Jacob called eric)

Jacob:eric explain about her rules and regulations of office

Eric:ok sir

(Eric left the cabin,Christina was about to go,she was about to fall,two strong arms catched her,she opened the eyes,it was Jacob,he made her stand)

Jacob:are you okay?

(Christina nooded and left the cabin hurriedly, Jacob was puzzled about her behaviour,on the other side, Christina was crying badly,she removed her duppata which covered her face,it was Rachel)

Rachel:why,why it is happening to me,I can't see his eyes directly,I can see his love for me in his eyes,I was about to hug and say,I will not leave
you anymore, rachel you should not cry,you have take revenge,until then you have to hide your face

(No need of confusion,I'm mentioning Christina as rachel because Jacob knows her as Christiana,so he call christina)

(Rachel wiped her tears and hid her face and doing her work,were on other side,Jacob was watching rachel from his cabin)

Jacob:I don't know about why my heart is beating fast

(Jacob was also doing his job,then Joseph came to cabin)

Joseph:hi dude,what are you doing?


Joseph:regarding of new project,there was a meeting in new york

Jacob:what project?

Joseph:the project that we signed before one month

Jacob:ok I will go

Joseph:you were not recovered still,you have to take rest,I will go

Jenifer:I will go

Joseph:ok,I also have some work in office,better you go

Jenifer:ok,you send the details of project


(Joseph nooded and they were chitchatting,at evening,Jacob went to his house,he went to terrace and watching stars)


(In night,Rachel was sitting in a swing,Jacob was lying in her lap,Rachel was caressing his hairs)

Jacob:do you know rach,from my childhood I try to count stars but I can't

Rachel:there are many things which we cannot count

Jacob:like our love

(Rachel and Jacob smiled) our love(Rachel noticed shooting star)jack see the shooting 🌠 star make a wish

(Rachel used to call Jacob as jack)

Rachel:what wish you made

Jacob:I will not say

Rachel:😡I will not speak with you idiot (and was pulling his nose)'s paining d

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