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(Next morning Jacob open his eyes,it was a hospital,he was admitted, Joseph and jennifer entered the ward)

Joseph:what happened yesterday?this is the way to drive your car

Jenifer:I said na,I will come with you

Jacob:please relax,I'm ok

(Doctor came to ward,he checked the reports)

Dr:no need to worry,small wound on head, don't take stress,I will prescribe the tablets,you will be get well in few days,you can discharge him now

Joseph:ok dr

(Dr left the ward)

Joseph:I will complete the discharge formalities, jennifer you stay with him

(Jenifer nooded and Joseph went out of ward)

Jacob:water,I need water

Jennifer:I will get and come

(Jenifer left the cabin,nurse entered the room with medicines and gave to him)

Jacob:nurse,you know who admitted me

Nurse:I don't know,but she gave a letter

(Jacob get that letter and read it)

Don't drink and drive,take care of your health,it is precious

- Christiana


(Jacob done the concert in college auditorium,all the girls were surrounding him,when he was about to leave,he saw a girl but didn't see the face who was  beating the boys)

Girl:will you tease girls

Boy-1:no sister we will not tease any girl,all are my sister,please leave us it's paining

Girl:ok,now get lost

(The boys runned from there in the high speed, Jacob came to her)

Jacob:excuse me

(She turned to him,he was mesmerized by her beauty,her brown eyes,her shinny hair,especially her cute nose,he was lost in world and was admiring her,she waved the hand,he came back to sense)

Girl:are you deaf and dumb,can't you see

Jacob:excuse me,you don't know me

Girl:are you prime minister or president

(Other girl came to her,she saw Jacob)

Other girl:hey,you are Jacob right,a famous rockstar,omg,is this real or dream,by the way my name is Caroline,I'm extremely sorry for her words

(Other girl is Caroline)

Jacob:no problem it's ok

Caroline(to girl):he is a famous rockstar Jacob,why are you scolding him

Girl(to Jacob):I'm sorry

(She left the place)

Jacob:more attitude,but I liked it

Caroline:please forgive her,she don't know about you,her only passion is study,other than study she is not much involved in social media,flims & music etc..

Jacob:it's ok

Caroline:can I get a autograph from you

(Jacob gave his autograph after that Caroline left the place,he was about to go,he notice a Id card near his feet,he took that,it was girls Id card)

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