Chapter 9 -- The Trial

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A whole day has passed since then. There's civil unrest in the city as rumors spread like a wildfire. Some people are panicking over the news of a titan inside the walls while others are optimistic for the future. As for now, I'm sitting with Mikasa and Armin in the dining hall.

"A debate over Eren? What for?"

"I'm not really sure, but it might be about what they plan to do with him," Armin states. Mikasa lowers her head in dismay, clenching her fists in desperation. I can't imagine what she's going through. Eren's life is in someone else's hands, and she cannot do anything about that. "And, what does that mean?" She asks.

"It means... They may not let him live..."

Mikasa stands up abruptly as the door to the dining room slams open. Three members of the military police stand there, having serious expressions on their faces. "Cadet Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlet, and Abby Jeffries, let's go!" One of them demands.

Mikasa glances at him. "Sir!"

"You're ordered to attend and act as witnesses of today's liberation!"

I sigh heavily. "Yes, sir."

We follow him to the courthouse and stand off to the side. A few minutes later, the room doors slam open as Eren is escorted into the room by two members of the military police. One of them shoves him towards the middle of the room. "On your knees... now!" He orders, pointing his gun at Eren.

Eren cautiously gets on his knees as the other member lowers a pole between his back and wrists, prohibiting him from moving. He struggles slightly against the restraints before glancing at the people in the courtroom, who are staring at him in fear and disgust.

The door opens, and in came the premier Dhalis Zachary. He's an old man with sunken and tired-looking eyes, noticeable wrinkles on his faces, and wears glasses. His hair was grey, as well as his scruffy looking beard and mustache. He wears a plain white shirt with dark colored pants, and a brown trench coat that he folds and puts on the table as he takes a seat.

"Alright, shall we begin?" He proclaims in his baritone voice, picking up one of the documents prepared before him and looking through the information. "Your name is Eren Jaeger, and as a soldier, you've sworn to give up your life when called to for the good of the people. Is that correct?"


"This is an exceptional situation," Dhalis Zachary states. "This tribunal will be held under military, not civilian, law. The final decision rests entirely in my hands. Your fate will be decided here. Do you have any objections?"

Eren hesitates, lowering his head. "No, sir."

"I appreciate your perception," says the premier. "I will be direct. As anticipated, concealing your existence has proved impossible. We just make your existence public in some form, or a threat to humanity other than titans may arise. What I will decide today is which force will have custody of you. The Military Police? Or the Survey Corps? Then, I ask the Military Police for their proposal."

"Thank you," the military police commander responds, holding some documents in one hand. He was an average built man with short thin black hair, dark eyes, and a thin mustache and goatee. He wears the standard Military Police uniform and a red bolo tie similar to the other military commanders. "My name is Nile Dok. I am the commander of the military police. Our recommendation following a thorough examination of his body, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately. It's certainly true that his titan power overcame our previous peril. However, now his existence threatens to spark a civil war. So, we ask him to die for humanity's sake, leaving behind all the information he can," he states.

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