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louis' pov:

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" i woke up to my freaking alarms that wouldn't stop. i slowly got up out of bed and realized what day it is. monday...which means new school.
i had recently moved to America with my mum since my dad died a few years back...that's a story i would rather not talk about. My mom decided years later it would be best if we just moved to a different country because everywhere she went in London she saw him? yeah i'm not sure either.
new schools have never worked for me. i mainly get bullied because i'm openly gay. my mum has told me to maybe keep it a bit of a secret at this school just because she wants me to have a good time but honestly, i am who i am and nobody should bully someone for that.
as i got ready i took a final look at my outfit. black skinnies, a grey band shirt, my checkered vans, topped off with my grey beanie. i mean i thought i looked alright...do i not look alright ? whatever.
i rushed downstairs and my mum seemed to have fallen asleep last night on the couch from unpacking too late.
i walked over to the key rack and grabbed the keys to my black porsche and kissed my mum on the head. oh not to mention my dad was kinda like a millionaire so we are kinda rich? yea anyways.
on the way to school i listened to just random things on the radio trying to clear my head but nothing seemed to be working. i don't normally get nervous about things but i mean.. come on guys who wouldn't get nervous about a new school ?
as i arrived at the school i began to notice everyone staring at me... maybe because my car was a bit nicer than everyone else's? not sure.
as i got out i felt eyes on me and i had never been so uncomfortable. as i walked in i saw a older man approach me.
"hi you must be lewis?" he asked me. "erm louis not lewis" i said nervously. "oh alright. welcome to my school! i will be getting someone to show you around so you will probably miss first period." he said to me and walked away before i could respond. who is supposed to show me around?
one minute later, a blonde headed lad came over to me. "hi i'm niall! you must be louis?" he said in a irish accent. "uh yeah yeah that's me. are you here to show me around?" i questioned. "nooo wayyy!! you have an english accent mate that's so cool!" he said to me a little bit too excited. "uhm yeah but the tour?" i asked. "oh right follow me!" he said and began walking.
after the tour he gave me my schedule and walked me to my locker. "eh mate this isn't good.." he said nervously looking at my locker number. "locker 30..it's right beside of one of the most popular kids at school. uh i can move you if you want." he said with hope. "erm no it's okay this will due. so second period?" i asked trying to change the subject. "oh right umm.. oh you have maths which is the same class i have! this works perfectly!" he said excitedly.
as we walked to maths he just kept ranting about the most random things and oddly food? not sure. "oh hey if you wanna sit at my table you can! the period before lunch we don't have together but i can meet you at your locker?" he said to me. "erm yeah sure." i said to him receiving a very excited face.

harrys pov:
maths is basically the dumbest subject ever. i know it comes in hand when you have a job but so what. i mean who is going to use this many letters and dots in the future. ugh!
i hate this class so much but word going around right now is there is a new rich kid that's from London like myself and apparently he's not ugly. i'm just hoping he's not going to become popular like me.
as i sat in my seat for maths i began to take my book out before the door came wide open and two boys appeared. one of them was niall. gross. all he ever does is eat! i don't know how he's not as fat as a pig yet!
i look over at the other boy and blue eyes met green. he- he was so pretty. wait why am i calling a guy pretty i'm straight. but goodness if i were gay he would definitely be one i would date wow.
they take the seats in the back and class begins. due to the fact it's in the middle of the year, he probably has no idea what he's doing. funny because even though i hate this class, i just so happen to be the smartest in here.
when the bell rings i'm fast to leave but i'm stopped by my stupid teacher Mrs. Bing. "hi harry. as you know, we have a new student that is very much behind due to the fact he decided to come to our school in November. because of this, i am making you tutor him until he is caught up." she said to me and i froze. me? tutoring that beautiful boy- wait no no..that boy? ugh. "erm i guess so... when do i-" she cut me off by yelling at a boy named... Louis? oh snap.
"hi louis! this is Harry Styles, one of the smartest kids in this class and i believe since you are so behind that you need tutoring by him. no buts about it this is my decision plus mr Styles already agreed to it." she said sternly. "oh erm okay?" he said nervously. his voice is so small and so raspy and- HARRY STOP.
as i walked away and went to my locker i noticed the blue eyed boy following me...? kinda weird. then i realized his locker was beside mine. great now i have to say something.
"erm hi i'm harry. when do you wanna start this tutoring thingy?" i said nervously. "uhm how about today or tomorrow at my place?" he said with a small smile. goodness the smile oh gosh keep it together what is up with you harry!! "oh i'm free today if that works?" i said. "okay yeah yeah sure." he began writing on a piece of paper making me confused. "erm-?" i said confused. he handed me a small piece of paper. "here's my number. just for tutoring though. i'll text you the details alright?" he said walking away before i could respond.
as the most popular guy in school, i sure feel like an idiot right now. why does he talk like he owns the place? ugh i hate him.
the last bell rang and i received at text at the same time from an unknown number.

unknown: (address) meet me there at 4pm.

hmm. must be Louis i'm guessing? what is going to happen when i go? why am i nervous? why me? ugh.
as i was walking out of school i noticed a blonde girl at my trashy car. it's the one thing i hate about myself, i'm basically poor.
as i arrived and got in my car she just stood there. did she want me to have sex with her right now or something? goodness the girls here are weird.
i rolled down my window and asked, "is there anything you need..?" she just looked at me. "you." she boldly responded. "okay what do you need with me?" i asked her. "come over to mine later around 4 or so. my parents don't get off work till 5." she said to me trying to act seductive. she sucks at it.
"um sorry but i actually have plans." and with that i drove away leaving her face with horror and shock. oops.
as i arrived at his house my mouth gaped open at how perfect this house was and how big it was. i then noticed all the nice cars too. wow.
i parked my trashy car and began walking up to the front door. as i knocked i heard a car pull into the drive way. it was a nice black porsche and holy- it was not only my dream car but my dream bo- HAROLD.
louis got out of the car and began walking towards me. "hey harry. hang on let me get my keys to open the door i left them in my car on accident." as i watch him go back i could help but notice he had a better bum than any of the girls i had slept with or seen. woah.
when he opened the door my mouth opened with shock. "hey erm sorry about all the boxes we just moved here. also my mums gone till tomorrow because she had to take in some hospital shifts so if you end up staying till dinner i'll have to order something." he said slightly sad? not sure. "oh erm okay...but if you need food i'm honestly a good cook so.." i said nervously. why am i so nervous?! harry pull it together!!
"oh okay. well that will have to be another time because we currently don't have much food due to the fact we literally just moved in last week." he said to me with a small smile. as he showed me around i couldn't help but notice he seemed off... which i could be imagining that because i don't really know him.
"and lastly, this is my room. pretty basic yeah?" he said with a small laugh. "uhm this is basic? i wish i had your room...i wish i had your life wow." i said sheepishly. "you don't. so do you have any siblings? i just want to kinda get to know you before we start studying." he said to me. "oh erm yeah i do i have one sister. you?" i asked him. i noticed he tensed when i asked him that and he began to fidget with his fingers. "um well i- i did." he said looking down.
i couldn't help it i felt bad so i took my hand and tilted his chin up. "hey hey it's okay we don't have to talk about that." i said to him and he just stared at me with confusion. "thank you. maybe in the future?" he asked. "of course."
later that night after studying and all we decided to order pizza and put on a movie.
"so what movie do you like?" he asked me with a wide smile. every since i got here it's like we have just instantly gotten closer and he's such a fun nice person. "oh erm i dunno. i like harry potter and hunger games?" i said nervously just because i felt like a nerd. "hmm i've never seen either. which one should i watch first?" he asked me. "umm definitely harry potter first. it's my favorite series of movies to ever exist!" i said excitedly.
after eating, we sat on the couch and turned on the tv. suddenly i got a random idea. "hey you know what? forget harry potter...let's watch a horror movie." i said with a smirk. i felt his body tense. "i- erm- which one..?" he said nervously. "hmm how about the conjuring? i heard that was a good one." i said to him. "o- okay." he said and we soon turned on the movie.
as it began playing i felt him slowly get closer to me as he was a bit nervous and scared. ha i'm pretty smart not gonna lie.
when the movie was finally over louis was fully snuggled into me and had a breath of relief when it was over. "wow great movie.." he said sarcastically. "i know right!! you should have seen your face when" right then there was a knock on the door. he looked at me with fear. not sure why i'm sure it's just a neighbor or something of that sort.
"erm harry i'm scared." he said nervously. "hey lou it's fine it's just someone at the door it's nothing." until finally we heard glass break.

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