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louis' pov:
it's been 3 months since i've spoken to harry last.
  he ended up getting Mrs bing to get me another tutor which just so happened to be Niall which i was extremely thankful for. i stopped tutoring about one month ago though because i'm finally caught up.
Harry is still acting weird like he did a while ago, wears all black everyday, always looks tired, never smiles, he's just not his old bubbly self.
on the bright side though, he hasn't bullied or beat anyone ever since the incident so i think that's good. i don't know maybe he did feel bad and really was saying his nice self was the true him. i just feel bad.
i see harry every day at our lockers and i can't help but just wish he would crack a smile at me or just talk to me for goodness sake. i mean i'm not a plague or something.
as i was on my way to 3rd period, i saw a group surrounding people. two people. harry.
"you idiot! that was my girlfriend you hit on!" a random guy said that i didn't know. he hit on a girl? i mean i thought he was done sleeping around. that was the word going around. "i didn't hit on her she hit on me i swear!" harry yelled back defensively.
"you're gonna pay styles!" he said and then soon jumped on harry punching him time after time after time. my body stood frozen. i didn't know what to do or say. soon my body took over.
"hey!! get your bloody hands off him!!" i said and tried to break up the fight. instead, i got a punch in the face and was soon lying on the ground. "why do you care? have you seen him? styles has gone mad!" he said to me. "no he hasn't please stop!" i said yelling. "NO!!" he said and punched me again.
soon i stopped counting the amount of punches being thrown at me until i felt the unknowns boys weight being pulled off me. my vision was blurry. i felt as if i might as well just die here and now. i soon felt a hand help me up which i didn't accept because my body was just too sore.
"lou... " i heard a voice say. harry. he came down to where i was laying and put his hands over where i was bleeding. my vision began to clear a bit until i started coughing and couldn't stop.
"lou we have to get you to the nurses office now!" he said to me scared. he gave me his hand to help me up but i couldn't. the pain was too much. "lou come on!" he said panicking. where are the freaking teachers? i thought to myself.
i soon felt strong arms picking up my whole body and carrying me. "ha- harry?" i said barely able to see. "lou it's me i'm right here." he said to me.
three hours later, i woke up in a nurses office lying on the bed with harry asleep in the chair. he waited on me? i coughed a bit due to the fact i couldn't breathe too well from being punched so many times.
"lou hey your awake! how are you feeling?" he asked me. "i'm- im okay i guess." i said to him. he nodded in response. "i um i got some of your friends to come." he said hesitantly.
soon zayn, liam, and niall walked in. he got the kids he used to bully to say yes to him? he actually talked to them? "LOUEH!!" niall said to me giving me a big bear hug. i began to cough a bit from the harshness but couldn't help but laugh at nialls stupid personality. "i'm gonna go erm... i'll talk to you later?" harry said to me and i nodded. he actually wants to talk to me.
after going home that night and my mom asking multiple questions, i decided i was done with it and went to my room. what was i supposed to do? she was upset at me for getting into a fight but it wasn't my fault!! he was hurting harry! why did i care though? i mean i don't like him or anything but i would be lying if i said these three past months i haven't done anything but think about him.
they aren't thoughts that i would think if i liked him though. they are erm... worried thoughts yeah yeah.
i finally gave in and decided to text harry. i couldn't help but notice the disappointment on his face when he walked away to leave me with his friends. did he want me to tell him to stay? i'm not sure.
hey can you meet me at the nearest park please? -Louis

sure? -Harry

i sighed relieved that he would come and my blood began to pump. i finally will get to talk to harry. i hope he's the same. i'm not sure after everything but i hope i can bring back the old harry.
a few minutes later i arrived at the park and sat on the nearest bench. it was currently 9:30 pm so nobody was here. the silence here was so peaceful i could be here forever. soon i saw a tall figure walking towards me. harry.
i went up to him and i couldn't help it, i gave him a tight hug. "lou why?" he asked me but still holding my waste as we were hugging. i backed away a bit so i could see his face. "what do you mean why?" i asked. "why now? why didn't your call or text me all these months? why didn't you bother talking to me in school? why do you-" i cut him off by saying, "harry i'm not going to lie, i'm concerned for you. you slightly have changed in the past months and you just don't seem the same. i didn't want to make thing even worse so i guess i just kept my distance but i didn't want to! harry you know i love talking to you!" i said grabbing his arm for reassurance. he looked up at me and his eyes were practically sparkling.
"i missed you." is all he said before hugging me tightly. i embraced the hug and just sighed. "i missed you too" i whispered back.
"any way we could start over? and i mean really start over? im totally over the whole liking you thing it was no big deal. it was erm.. a one time thing ya know? i'm not sure what happened to me but i'm ready to have a good friendship with you now! i even have been talking to liam and zayn recently!" he said to me. ouch. i didn't like him but i had to admit that hurt.
"that's great harry." i said to him with a small smile. "are- did i- are you okay? did i say something wrong?" he asked me nervously. "what no no you're fine, i'm- i'm alright." i said fidgeting with my hands.
"i know it's late but do you wanna play football?" he asked my hopefully. "you know what? you're on styles" i said with a smirk.
after one hour of playing, i was winning and it was obvious i was the winner. "harry give up i win!" i said to him out of breath. "never!!!" he said and tackled me to the ground. "harry ugh get off i can't breathe!" i said to him trying to push him away until looked down and saw something. his arm.
"nope not until you say i'm the winner!" he said smirking. "harry-" i began to say. "yep there you go say itttt!" he said to me. "harry your arm-" i finally managed to say. he froze. he got off me immediately and i jumped up and grabbed him before he ran off.
"i- harry how long has this been going on?" i asked. "i- erm- three months?" he said nervously. my breath hitched. three months is how long it's been since i did that prank on him and he confessed his feelings to me. "harry why?" i asked him confused. "it all started when you said i was pathetic. it wasn't you though that was the problem...it was everything. i hurt so many people just so i could cover the real me. my home life sucks. my friends are all fake. i'm not everything or else i would have y- i'm just a mess." he said finally breaking down.
i pulled him into my arms and kissed his forehead. "haz, you are everything please don't keep doing this to yourself. i- i need you here with me not dead so please don't do this. i'm sure if you just apologized to the people you hurt they would forgive you. just- haz when you do that, it hurts me. it's like you taking a knife and cutting me. it hurts. you mean too much to me." i said slowly letting tears fall gracefully down my face.
i cupped his cheeks and looked at him begin to stop crying. "yeah? can you help me and maybe try to stop?" i asked him drying his tears with my thumb. he's so pretty when he cries. he nodded in response and i soon hugged him, holding him tight.
"would u wanna come to my house tonight? just have a nice pampering night? we don't have school tomorrow and we could even watch a movie or something and just relax." i said to him. he nodded as he sniffed a bit from crying. "yeah?" i said to him and soon we were walking to my car.
we ending up just driving my car and deciding to get his later tomorrow.
what is going to happen tonight goodness. seeing him cry and just me holding him tight makes me realize, i've never cared so much about a person. maybe i- no there's no way...well maybe just maybe i might like him again after going three months without liking him? no way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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