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louis' pov:
harry liked me. harry styles like likes me. he's not straight. his whole reputation is a cover up for his true self. he- how could he?
it was now the next day and as i began to walk in school i saw everyone around harry. typical. probably talking about the picture i spread. but...there was something off.
today he was wearing all black and layers of long sleeves with two nice bracelets i had never seen him wear. strange attire styles.
as i went into second period, once again, green eyes met blue. he looked, tired? he had bags under his eyes and he still had almost a morning voice when he began to talk to those around him. he wouldn't smile at all to anyone. did i maybe take it... too far? no i couldn't have. i had to do what i had to do. he bullied people for being gay. he beat people for it! he's sick!!
as the day went on, i never saw harry once in the hallway. it was currently lunch and i'm sitting with Niall, Liam, Zayn, and a girl named Eleanor. she's really nice and if i were straight i would definitely go after her. she's became a good friend of mine recently though i just wish sometimes harry wasn't the way he was. i would be lying if i said i didn't enjoy the moments i had with him when he came to my house it's just... he's sick after what he did.
"'mate whats bothering you? you've been acting weird all day." i head Niall say to me. "erm yeah yeah i'm alright. just tired is all." i replied back. "okay bud." niall said to me.
as the last bell rang, i needed to find harry. i have tutoring with him but i just...something is seriously off today with him. he's not acting, normal?
after looking for forever it seemed like, i had no luck and couldn't find him anywhere. i finally decided to go home and just text him the time to be there.

hey still having tutoring today. come by around 4:30. -Louis

i slid my phone back into my pocket and my mind began to fill with thoughts about my life right now. my mum seems to be working too much. shes always been a hard worker but sometimes i just wish i saw her at home ya know? she once again isn't going to be here tonight and i just sometimes want a mum to talk to after school about my day ya know? then harry. goodness something was off today. his attire wasn't even the weirdest thing but it was still extremely strange. he himself was just strange today. i'm hoping i can talk to him today and get him to tell me what's up...after yesterday though, i doubt he will. i feel bad because what i did is not me at all. it was so mean but the way he beat on Liam i had to!
before i knew it, i was home and it was 5pm. still, no harry.
hour after hour went by...still no harry.
i finally gave up and decided to take a shower and study a bit. it was currently 9pm and i just fully gave up. does he hate me that much?
i got in my bed and as soon as i opened my books, i heard a knock on the door. great this is where i'm about to die once again. i thought to myself.
as i opened the door, i see a wet harry standing outside. "harry what-" he cut me off by saying, "lou i'm sorry i'm so late. i wasn't gonna come i just had so much to do and i had a lot on my mind i just needed a second i'm sorry please don't be mad it" i took his wrist and pulled him inside so he wasn't being rained on. "harry stop. i'm not mad i'm glad you came. i was just about to start studying anyways it's okay." i said calmly. he nodded in response and we went to my bedroom to study.
after studying for about an hour, harry decided to go use the restroom. i had a weird feeling in my gut just because something was so off about him. he barely would talk and he never made any jokes, he didn't even smile when i made jokes and that's most definitely not normal.
after 10 minutes, i realized harry is taking quite a while. i decided to go check on him in the bathroom. the hall bathroom, no harry. the bedroom bathroom, no harry. the upstairs hall bathroom, no harry. my bedroom bathroom- harry?
he was in the tub- crying? i couldn't tell. "harry? harry is that you?" i said nervously. as i walked closer, i gasped when i saw harry crying.
"harry goodness what's wrong with you?" i said obviously scared for him. he wiped his tears away fast and said nothing but got out of the tub and began walking downstairs. "harry wait what are you doing?!" i said in a loud tone. he looked at me opening the front door, "i'm leaving." and with that, he was gone.
goodness what is his problem today? i was scared for him. he seemed off and he just wasn't himself. i understand what i did yesterday was rude but he wasn't acting like this to only me.. it was everyone.

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