The Traveler

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Yay chapter one and we start it of with Innen.


I have been travelling for years. Wandering the land going from village to village and never stayin in one place long, its all I know and its how I survive. Iput these thoughts aside as I pull my hood over my head and continue toward my destination, the Hidden Leaf Village, hopefully I can buy supplies there and continue on. I sometimes wonder what the world would like if I could see. I think as I walk down the road, its not that I dislike being blind, its just that it gets boring only seeing the flow of chakra. I continue on my way as I put those thoughts aside and focus on the path.

One day later

Their still following me. I thought as I closed in on Konoha. Two signatures judgeing by their chakra I would say they were ninjas. They had been following me since I entered fire country, shadowing me. I stopped as they moved closer. "I know your their, come on out both of you." They both jumped out and came in front of me. Judging by their chakra signature im guessing their ninjas, one had a large amount of chakra while the other had nearly no chakra. The one with chakra stepped forward and said. "Who are you and what is your business in Konoha." Oh, there from the village. Thats why they were following me I guess. I decided that it would be easier to explain why im heading there. "I am just traveling." I say, the ninja with the most chakra was quiet for awhile then said. "How did you sense us, im guessing by the sash on your face that your blind." I look at him and say. "I was trained as a ninja I use my chakra to see." He tenses a little when I tell him im a ninja but relaxes and says. "Okay, but we need to take you the hokage." I simply nod as they led the way.

At the hokage tower

The two ninja lead me to a door were they knocked on it and waited. I heard a gruff old voice say enter. They open the door and I take a seat on a nearby couch as the two ninja walked to another figure. "Kakashi, Gai who is this boy?" The old voice says. The one with chakra says. "We found him on the way back from our mission. We were shadowing him till we were discovered by him. We found out that he has ninja trainning." The old voice tells me to walk toward him so I get up and walk in front of the two ninja.

I is for Innen H is the Hokage

H: What is your name?

I: Innen

H: Last name?

I: None

H: What village do you live in?

I: None

H: Don't you have a home?

I: No

H: A family.

I: No

H: Kakashi says that you have ninja trainning. Is that true?

I: Yes

After this question he calls in a person to bring in a citizen ship form. He looks at me and says. "Innen I don't believe that you are a threat to the village but only a child that has lead a tough life. So I would like to offer you a deal, you swear loyalty to Konoha and become a ninja of the leaf and in return ill give you a home to stay in." I was slightly shocked, I expected to be interrogated but instead im being offered a home. I would finally be safe and I could finally live my life. I thought, the mans cgakra didn't fluctuate so I knew he was being honest so I decided to accept it so I said. "You have my word lord hokage I will serve the village with my life." We filled out the paperwork and then the hokage told the ninja that did most of the talking, that I now knew as Kakshi to take me to my house so I could put my stuff up then show me to the academy. We chatted on the way as I smiled for the first time in years thinking about finally having a home.

Ok people hope you liked chapter one Chapter two will be Kurai's pov and will be up as soon as possible.

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