Chapter 1

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Peter Parker didn't particularly hate life despite the cards he'd been dealt. In fact, things were going quite well.

"Heyyyyy! I didn't know we were having an Avengers costume party! Why wasn't I invited?!" Spider-Man whined as he dropped from the ceiling, landing on a lanky male with a badly made plastic Hulk mask.
"Spider-Man's here!" A girl in a Thor mask yelled as she dashed to a van that Spidey assumed was their getaway van.
"Leaving so soon? The party's just getting started!" Spidey exclaimed as he webbed the criminal in a Thor mask to the to the van door.
"Get out of our way, kid!" A muscular man in an Ironman mask yelled.
"Huh. Maybe this isn't a costume party. You sound just like Iron-Woah!" Spider-Man said as he dogged a giant purplish laser.
"Careful buddy! You could seriously hurt someone with that!" Spider-Man yelled as he shot his webs at the source of the laser and yanked it away from the man. He then proceeded to web him up like the rest. He roughly threw the criminals in a corner and threw the jewelry they were trying to steal in another.
"Tell the police I said Hi!" Spider-Man teased as he swung away. He then proceed to swing around the city for another hour until he found a tall building to perch himself on.
'Beep! Beep! B-'
"Hey, Mj!"
"I didn't know The Amazing Spider-Man ditched his girlfriend on movie night."
"Ohhhhh my god! I'm so sorry! I was j-just!"
"Save it, Peter, I was messing around! Do you wanna get ice cream after school tomorrow?"
"Bye. Love you Nerd."
"Love you too!"
Peter let out a sigh as he crawled to the side of a building and grabbed his webbed-up backpack and changed. As he walked to the subway he dialed his Aunt.
"Peter! How was the date with Mj?"
"It was great May...I'm on my way back now! You don't mind if I go get ice cream after school with Mj right?"
"Not at all! Just make sure you save room for dinner! I'm getting your favorite after work!"
"Delmar's Deli?"
"What's the occasion?"
"Did you already forget? Oh, Peter... you're just as scatterbrained as was Ben sometimes. You told me you'd be getting that email tomorrow night! The one that says if you get the Stark internship or not!"
"I can't believe I forgot about that! Oh- gotta go, Aunt May! The train is almost here. I'll talk to you at home!"
"Bye Peter."

Peter then ran onto the subway and plopped down. There was surprisingly a lack of tired New Yorkers on it. The ride was quiet but Peter didn't mind. In fact, he was too busy drooling over a blondish-brown-haired boy with a few scars scattered over his face (mainly by his eyes and cheeks) He wore a black hoodie and some dark blue ripped jeans.
Peter then shook his head and tried to look away, remembering he had a girlfriend. She was wonderful, kind (sorta), pretty, smart, really funny, and talented. But there is one slight issue. A few months into the wonderful relationship they have, Peter Parker realized that he is a raging homosexual and he was totally wrong about being Bi. He's been trying to tell Mj for about three months now but 'The Amazing Spider-Man' can't seem to break up with a girl even though he faces danger almost every day. He assumed he zoned out staring at the hot guy because he  was really shocked when the boy across from him spoke.
"I know I'm hot but it's sorta creepy to stare like that cutie." He said with a smirk, just barely looking up from his phone.
"What- oh- was I- I'm so sorry I-"
Peter then stopped talking when the boy in front of him graced him with a laugh. And yes. I mean graced. He was hot. Like Peter was about to overheat sort of hot.
"You feeling alright? I'm sorry if my face scared you. I think I may have scared a kid today...that woman was right I should grow out my hair and wear a face mask or something..."
"N-no! I think it's h-attractive! Your face. Uh what else what I be talking about- yeah your face!" Peter stuttered out, laughing nervously.
The Mysterious guy then laughed and replied with a quick 'Thanks.'
"Wade Wilson."
"That's my name dumbass," Wade replied playfully.
"Oh! Park P- Peter Parker!"
"Nice to meet you Park P Peter Parker." Wade chuckled, sticking his hand out to an embarrassed Peter. Wade looked down at Peter's wrist and rose one of his eyebrows.
"Who's the lucky person?" Wade asked, pointing at some cheesy relationship bracelet he had on.
"O-oh. My girlfriend Mj has the other half...but..." Peter then went on rambling about his whole situation to this stranger he'd met on the subway. They'd talked for a while before the subway finally came to a halt.
Wade quickly wrote something on a napkin before shoving it into Peter's hands. "This is my stop! See you Park P Peter Parker!"
"H-Hey! That's not my..." Peter started to yell in frustration before looking at the napkin.
'Here's my number. Maybe we could go out sometime if you figure out your situation. Goodluck :)'
Under that was his number.
Peter blushed a bit before gently folding the napkin and putting it in his jeans pocket.
The rest of the ride home was quiet. Eventually, Peter made it to his stop and walked the rest of the way home. It was nice not to be Spider-Man every once in a while. When he arrived home nothing too interesting happened. He said hi to May, did homework, and went to bed. He then woke up early, did some Spidey work, and went to school. Overall it was a pretty relaxing Friday.
"Ready Nerd?" Mj said with a smile as she grabbed her bags.
Peter replied with a nod and a smile as he waved to Ned. After the short walk to the ice cream shop, they had gotten their ice cream and sat outside at a table.
"So Peter...I-"
'Beep! Beep!'
"Sorry, it's May... I should..."Peter said as he frantically took out his phone. He then looked at Mj who was visibly upset and turned his phone on silent.
"She's probably just calling to ask which sandwich I want... We're getting Delmar's" Peter said with a nervous chuckle. They continued to talk for a while, nothing worth mentioning before Peter said he had to go. He rushed into an alley and threw on his Spider-Man suit before swinging in the direction of his apartment.
Peter silently threw his suit into his window before crawling around and down the building. He then quickly ran up the old creaky stairs and unlocked the door.
"May! I'm home!" He yelled, kicking off his shoes.
"Huh...must still be at work" he muttered as he plopped on the couch at took out his phone
'3 missed calls from Aunt May'
Peter took out his phone and called her.
No answer.
He called her again.
No answer.
He called again.
No answer.
"Maybe she's still at Delmars...or got called back to work.."
Peter sat there in silence for a moment, wondering if he should be worried or not for a moment. Aunt May being late and not picking up her phone wasn't unusual since her jobs typically kept her busy. But after the incident with Ben, Peter had always been a little paranoid about situations such as this.
During that moment of silence, Peter received a phone call.
"Hello, is this Peter Parker, nephew of May Parker?"
"I am calling to inform you that your Aunt has been put in the hospital."
"W-what?! Is she ok? How-"
"At the moment, she is stable. There was a break-in at a store near Delmar's Deli. The criminal was using explosives and it caused that building and half of Delmar's to collapse. Your Aunt was caught up in some of it."
"What hospital?"
"She is located at ****************."
"I'm on my way."
"Mr. Parker May Parker current-"
Peter had never swung so fast in his life. The hospital was at least a 30-minute drive. Maybe a 20-minute swing on average. But by some miracle of Thor, he was there in 10.
"I'm here to see May Parker," Peter said to the lady at the desk.
"Peter Parker I presume?"
"Hello. I'm Geraldine Wallace. You talked to me on the phone. Unfortunately, you came before I could let you know May Parker cannot have any visitors."
"What? Why? I need to-"
"Mr. Parker. I understand you are concerned. But for your Aunt's sake, we need out of that room. There is a waiting room outside her room on the 5th floor. Her room number is 303."
Peter replied with a quick 'Thank you' and took off towards the elevator, frantically hitting the number 5.

Peter sat in the waiting room for 2 days. His phone was dead, his clothes were dirty from wearing them two days in a row before the incident, and he was overall just a mess. He hadn't slept or eaten for the two days May had been in the hospital, which wasn't bad but the stress had made him exhausted. At last, he was finally dosing off when a loud alarm had woke him. A few doctors and nurses frantically ran into a room, others out. And it was really scaring Peter. Things didn't get better when he realized what room number was causing all the commotion. Room 303. Peter attempted to push past a few people, but failed, in his panic and exhaustion he fell to the ground in the corner of the waiting room and sobbed as he listened to the doctors.

A few moments later the sounds had died down, so had Peter. "Maybe they stabilized her- maybe I can see her now. She'll be awake.. she'll be-"
"Mr. Parker!" A doctor called, snapping him out of it.
"Mr. Parker... I'm sorry."
"What...What are you sorry for..." Peter asked, already knowing what they were going to say.
"Mr. Parker... May Parker passed away. I'm sorry... we did everything we could."
Peter slowly got up and walked over to room 303. She looked so peaceful. But so pale and cold. She's really gone. Peter turned around and walked out. He wanted to go home. So that's what he did. No swinging, no trains. He walked.
When Peter arrived home he put his phone on the charger and went to the bathroom. He slid down into the tub and turned the water on to cold and cried. There was nothing else he could do. He had nothing left. No one.

Hope you enjoyed chapter one. I know it's not too angsty rn but hold on, I swear it will get more angsty. I love watching my favorite characters suffer lol. -Somni

Scared to Die, Afraid to Live//A Peter Parker Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now