Chapter 4

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After Mr. Kane had left, Peter spent the rest of his night talking himself down after having another breakdown.
"I'm Spider-Man!" He yelled quietly as he sat up from his bed. He told himself how he shouldn't cry or May would be upset and how he's Spider-Man and Spider-Man doesn't cry. This went on for a while, eventually leading him to the best sleep he's had in a couple of days. When he awoke, a few hours had passed. It was about 10pm. Tired and stuck in the mindset he was still at him home, he left his room and wandered to find a drink for his dehydrated achy throat. By the time he was in the kitchen, he'd realize he wasn't in his home and there were rules to the time he could be out. As he turned to check the clock on the microwave, a loud, deep sigh came from the entrance of the kitchen. There stood a tall, muscular, pasty man with a short, untrimmed beard and greased back hair.
"You're the new one," He grumbled in a tone that was obviously mad.
"Did my wife not go over the rules with you?" Peter uncomfortably shifted, as he swallowed any remaining spit in his mouth.
"S-She did. I'm sorry. I forgot Mr-" Peter whispered before getting cut off by the sound of someone undoing their belt.
"Get over her boy," He said in a tone Peter had never heard before.
Though scared, Peter took a few steps toward the man.
"Get on the wall," The man firmly instructed.
For a moment, Peter panicked. 'Does he know my identity?' He thought for a moment before realizing how stupid that was. Before he knew it, Peter was forced on the wall with a towel shoved in his mouth and a sharp pain on his legs.
First the bottom of his legs.
Then his thighs.
Then his back.
With each hit Peter let out a scream muffled by the greasy towel sloppily hanging out his mouth.
After 10 minutes passed, the pain had finally stopped increasing. Though his shorts and shirt had remained on through the process, Peter still had marks.
"Next time you don't listen, you won't have anything on to protect you. Now get!" The man yelled as Peter scrambled out and up to his room.
Peter never really had a father figure in his life after Ben and this experience definitely did not improve his impression of father figures.
He silently limped back to his room, figuring it might be time he go see the Avengers. Peter knew the majority of them would still be awake (besides Steve who liked to have a strict bedtime of 10pm if he wasn't off doing something like saving the world) so he slip on his Spider-suit and headed off.


The feeling of New York swirled around Peter as he swung through the night. Though it may sound crazy, the car horns, blinding lights, and smell of street food and gas had all brought him some comfort. When his Aunt was working late and Peter was alone (not busy Spider-Manning), he often took his homework and climbed to his apartment buildings roof, turning on some lofi music while he worked. It the mix of it all put him in a draw of relaxation, euphoria, and focus (even with the angry New Yorkers yelling cuss words at each other.)
The relaxation and calm he held was discouragingly only temporary, due to the shitty landing he had tried to made on a building causing, the seething pain coming from the whip marks on his back and legs it further pain him.
Peter groaned and he caught his balance and looked around, grumbling something about his lack of food screwing up his healing factor before continuing his journey to the Avengers tower.


"Spidey! You sure took your time didn't you...Tony said you'd be here later on tonight but it's 11..." Clint said as he tossed Peter a pack on fruit snacks. "Back to your fruit snack addiction?" Peter asked with a laugh as he glanced at the box of Jurassic Park fruit snacks. "They taste good and they are shaped like dinosaurs. Don't come at me asshole." Clint simply replied as he gestured to his hearing aids and smirked, a thing he commonly did that normally meant 'Shut up or I'll shut  you up myself.'
"Alright, Alright... Tony's in the lab yeah?" Peter mumbled as he sloppily shoved the fruit snacks his his mouth and pushed the half of his mask back down. Clint replied with a nod and waved as Peter left toward the elevator. Clint had noticed a slight limp in Spider-Man's walk but decided in the end not to mention anything, figuring it was probably just the cold Tony had said he had.
The elevator music lightly played as Peter awaited his floor. He took this moment to slouch and groan as he felt the fabric of his suit uncomfortably shift around the new wounds he had received hours ago. He quickly straightened up himself and attempted to shake out his pain but ended up up failing and making it worse.
Spidey quickly brushed it off and fixed his posture as the elevator door slowly opened.
"Tony! Could ya turn it down...?!?" Spider-Man yelled as he attempted to block the music blasting from his high-tech stereos.
Of Course Tony hadn't even noticed and continued to work.
"It's been awhile, Better then Tony." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Fondly said as she turned down the music, earning a 'What the
hell-' From Tony before realizing who had walked in. Spidey let out a chuckle, remembering what his name had been set to after a vicious game of go-fish between the two geniuses in the room.
"Talk about taking your time!"
"I know I know..."
"How's your cold?"
"Uh, yeah. The deadly sickness that kept you away from avengers tower-"
"OH! I'm uh, I'm fine. Just...tired...and sore."
"You sure you're good...?" Tony questioned, causing a bead of sweat to gather on Spider-Man's forehead, quickly getting absorbed by the mask.
Peter sucked at lying.
And Spider-Man isn't any better.
"Just peachy. So what are ya working on?"

I forgot abt this story for a sec lol. Should prob start updating again💀

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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Scared to Die, Afraid to Live//A Peter Parker Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now