The Demon and the Boy (Putters)

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This was requested by @Hibicus_
Thank you for the request and enjoy ^_^!

Butters was a simple boy. Kind to everyone. He just wished everyone was kind to him. He walked down the street, past Tweek Bro's. As he did, the blond boy thought he heard something. Like... a low growling. It made Butters shiver but he brushed it off as some sort of stray cat or dog. As he walked downtown, he started passing more and more buildings. He realized that he was getting further and further away from the public.

Soon, the blond boy reached the park. This particular park was sort of abandoned. Nobody really ever came here anymore, especially not 9th graders. But, Butters had found the park comforting. A place for him to get away from his own life. As Butters walked around the small park, he heard the sound again. Growling. Butters was starting to get worried. Even though he was decently tall, he wasn't a very good fighter. He had tried to take karate and self defense as a kid, but it didn't work out to good.

"Who's there?" Butters called out, trying to stay confident. The growling had stopped, but the blond boy heard scratching. It sounded like a bear sharpening its claws on a tree. Was there a bear? Butters was getting more and more worried for his own safety. The scratching got louder and louder and he started hearing voices too. He couldn't make out what the voices were saying, but it was driving him crazy. The noises got louder and louder, Butters closed his eyes and fell to his knees. "Stop! Stop!" He yelled. He just wished it would all end.

         The noises were coming closer and closer. This was it. This was how he was going to die. Goodbye world. Butters thought. The noises suddenly stopped and the blond boy heard a puff of smoke appear in front of him. He didn't dare to open his eyes, but someone opened his eyes for him. "Hi!" A cheery voice said as the unknown person lifted Butter's arms out of his face. Butters hesitated, but he squinted his eyes open. Squatting in front of him was a skinny, pitch black demon with long, sharp horns poking out of his head and a curly little tail. The demon had pretty big wings and glowing red eyes with blue slits. The demon had short, blond hair that was nicely cut and he was wearing a brown British cap over it. It had on a decently nice red suit with a brown bow tie as well and short, baggy brown pants.

The demon just smiled widely at Butters. It took the blond boy a second to process what the fuck was standing in front of him. "AHHHHH!! WHAT THE HECK?!" He screamed out. The demon staggered back a bit. "Don't be afraid! I don't bite!"

Butters wasn't going to take any chances. He jumped up and sprinted the hell out of there. As he was running, he heard the sound of flapping. The demon had flown over to him. "Hi!" He said again. Butters just screamed again and started running faster. "WHAT ARE YOU?! WHO ARE YOU?!" The blond boy yelled out, still terrified. "Your future boyfriend."

        That caught Butters by surprise. "WH-" He tripped over his own feet and skidded on the ground, scraping his face in the process. The demon went over to him and helped the poor boy up. As Butters starting regaining himself, he stared down at the demon and spoke, "What do you mean 'your future boyfriend'?" The demon could hear how puzzled the boy was. He dusted off his claws on his pants and held it out.

"Hello, my name is Phillip, but you can call me Pip." The demon said with friendliness in his voice. Butters was still shaken up, but shook the demon's hand- er- claw. Pip smiled greatly when Butters took his claw. "So, I have a proposition for you." He slyly said. Butters cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, I will make sure you will never get bullied again, especially by your parents, in exchange..." Pip started, walking around the taller boy. He suddenly got up in his face like an excited puppy. "You will become my boyfriend!"

Butters was a bit taken back. "Wh-what do you mean?" He stammered. Pip just smiled and replied, "If you become my boyfriend, like, holding hands, kissing, movie dates, all that stuff, you will never get grounded again! Believe me, I've stalked you for years, I know about that." Butters ignored the last part. "Wait, really? Like, I'll never get bullied by anyone ever again?" He asked hopefully. Pip nodded. "Mhm!" "But... I've never had a partner before. I'm not sure how to act." The blond boy said, looking away.

Pip frowned a bit. "Look, I've seen you before. You're a really kind person. I've been dying for a boyfriend, and you seem like perfect material! You'll be perfect just the way you are." The blond demon said to the boy with warmth in his voice. Butters blushed a bit. No one has ever said anything that sweet to him in his life before. Maybe I'll give it a shot... The blond boy thought before looking Pip in the eyes. "Okay, I'll do it!" He said with pride. The demon's face lit up like a lantern. "Yay!" He hugged his new boyfriend tightly.

A F E W W E E K S L A T E R ♪

A few weeks have passed and things were going great! To Butters surprise, Pip was an amazing partner! He was very sweet, romantic, and a shoulder for him to lean on. They did all kinds of couple stuff such as holding hands, going on dates, cuddling, etc. . Butters still wasn't used to kissing anyone, so they hadn't tried that yet. Pip was way more confident about going out in public than Butters was. The demon had a human form he could switch to so no one would freak out.

Pip even kept his side of the deal. He had made sure no one at school bullied him by setting them on fire and possessing their souls. It worked, and soon all kids thought that Butters had some sort of magic voodoo on his side and didn't mess with him. His parents were a bit harder to work over, but Pip was friends with Satan, so they had made a deal and Satan threatened to send Butters's parents to the 7th layer of hell if they kept grounding Butters. They agreed and were a bit nicer to Butters, but the blond boy usually spent most of his time with his boyfriend.

Pip and Butters got along great. Butters didn't think this would happen, but he's was growing very fond of the smaller demon. He enjoyed his company and their dates were always so much fun. Just yesterday, they went to 'Tweek Bro's' for some coffee and sweet treats. Yes, the blond boy loved his demon boyfriend. He was glad that they had made that deal.

At the moment, the two blonds were getting ready for a walk through the park from where they had first encountered each other. That was their favorite place to go when they were together. Butters had just walked outside his house and spotted the black demon standing on a mailbox, waiting for him. Since no one was around at the moment, it was okay for Pip to show his true self. The demon's face lit up when he saw his boyfriend coming. Butters smiled at him. Usually, the blond boy's parents wouldn't let him go out at this time of day, but since Satan came for a visit, that had changed.

"Hello Butters!" Pip greeted him. "Hiya Pip! Ready to go?" The blond boy responded. Pip nodded and took his boyfriend's hand. They walked down the neighborhood for a while and made it to town. Everyone was busy doing their own thing, so no one had noticed Pip. The two soon made it to the park. Butters breathed in the smell of moss and trees. He loved nature. One of the only beautiful things that this world had to offer, really.

        Pip let go of Butters hand (which low-key made the blond boy frown) and bolted out into the park. He rolled in the grass and Butters happily joined him. As the two lovers played happily in the tall grass, Butters glanced over at his demon boyfriend and smiled. He loved him. He gave him so much that he never knew he would have. The blond demon glanced back over at him. He was so glad that this was the mortal he had chose to love and protect with his life. He loved him.

        The two pushed their foreheads together and lay there, wind blowing through their hair. They had never been so happy ever before in their lives. And they couldn't get enough of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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