How we Met (Fike)

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This was requested by @manager_bri
Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!
(Art above doesn't belong to me!)

Stupid conformists. Firkle thought as he sat at the back of his classroom, watching all the other kindergartners playing and laughing. He groaned and put his head on his knees. He was forced to come to class today because of his parents. They finally decided to be responsible parents for once.

It was playtime and all the children were screaming and laughing and running around everywhere and Firkle wanted nothing to do with it. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and the small goth looked over, annoyed.

"Hi!" A friendly little voice greeted him. The voice was Ike Broflovski. Firkle knew who he was. He was the guy who slept with his teacher. He is the only Canadian in South Park. He was one of the smartest kids in South Park. And he's FOUR. Firkle never really cared for Ike. He was just like all the other people in this sad little town.

"What do you want?" Firkle snarled back. Ike continued to smile at him. "To play." He responded. Why does he want to play with me? Firkle thought before responding. "No."

        Ike frowned. "Why not?" Firkle shrugged. "I don't want to conform with a conformist like you." The small goth responded. Ike just stared at him. "Oh okay! Let me know if you change your mind!" He said, waving as he bounded away. Firkle groaned and flipped his hair, trying to copy Pete.

        After school, Firkle was headed to hang out with his other goth friends. As he walked to where they would meet, he ran into a familiar face. "Hi!"

        Firkle sighed and turned around, facing the one and only Ike Broflovski. "What do you want?" Firkle snarled again. "You looked down when I saw you earlier today. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Ike replied, smiling friendly. Firkle sighed again. "I'm fine. I'm just fine." He said, turning away. "Wait!" Ike called out as the small goth turned back around.

        "I want to give you my Twitter username. So you have someone to talk to when you feel lonely." The Canadian said, holding out a tiny piece of paper with his Twitter username on it. Firkle looked at the piece of paper and then at him. "Wh-" before he could think of what else to say, Ike just shoved the paper in his hands and started walking off. "Bye! Tweet to me when you get home!"

.     .     .

        For minutes, Firkle was just sitting there, staring at this piece of paper that Ike gave him. No normal kid has ever tried to be friendly to him, let alone try and Tweet him. The small goth slowly grabbed the piece of paper and his phone. He looked at the paper and started typing it in on his phone.

        Soon, he typed it in and sent a tweet saying "hey."

        Not long after, he got a Tweet back.

        "Hey! U did respond!" It read.

        "Yea whatever"

The two kinders went on for hours and hours, typing away. Firkle felt so at peace. He felt genuinely happy talking to the little Canadian.

"Ok, I gotta go to bed" Ike's message read. Firkle responded.

"K night"

Firkle smiled as he put his phone down but the quickly frowned. What are you doing Firkle? This is so not goth. The tiny goth sighed and tossed his phone on the floor. He then got ready for bed and tucked himself in and turned off his lamp light. He still kept on a night light because of his fear of the dark. The kinder goth lay in bed for a while and the glanced at his phone once again. He smiled slightly as he closed his eyes.


Ike was walking down the hall of his high school. This was the day he was going to finally confess to Firkle. They had been friends since Kindergarten and Ike started having feelings back in 8th grade. He had tried to confess many times before, but was too nervous too. But this was the day that he was going to finally do it.

"Hey Ike!" The Canadian heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw Karen running towards him. He smiled. "Hi Karen!" He responded as Karen looked up at him with her eyes sparkling. "Tricia told me! Your going to finally do it?" She asked eagerly. Ike nodded and blushed. "Do you think he will return my feelings?" He asked, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I hope so! Now come on! 40 minutes until class starts. I saw Firkle outside near that big oak tree." Karen said.

Ike nodded and nervously started walking outside. He spotted Firkle and quickly straightened up and walked over to him. The smaller goth slightly looked up.

"Hey Broflovski." He greeted him. "Hi..." Ike greeted back, messing with his hoodie strings. "What do you want?" Firkle said, swishing his switchblade around. Ike gulped.

"Okay... so... I want to confess something..." The Canadian started, looking around nervously. Firkle fully looked up at him. "Okay..." He said, slightly more interested. Ike looked down at him. "Okay, so I've had feelings of you -er- for you for a very long time and..." He started, blushing. "And, I just want to say that today is the day that I will confess. Er, I pretty much just confessed so-" He was cut off by Firkle cupping his face and bringing him into a kiss.

It was a shock to them both. Oh my god. What did I just do?! Firkle thought. After a few more seconds, they pulled away. The two red-faced high schoolers stared a each other for a bit until Ike spoke up.

"So, is that a yes?" He asked hopefully. Firkle groaned and face palmed. "Really?" Ike just chucked. "Yes, I accept your "declaration of love" or whatever." The smaller goth said. Ike's eyes brightened as he hugged his now boyfriend. Firkle lightly hugged back before struggling out of his grip.

"So, boyfriends?" Ike asked again eagerly. Firkle dipped his head. "Boyfriends." Ike smiled and pecked him on the lips again, but quickly recoiled back. "Oh- sorry." He apologized. "Your such an idiot..." Firkle said, grabbing Ike's shirt collar and pulling him into a deep kiss.

As they kissed, Karen was watching them. "It's happening!" She squealed into her phone. "Really? Send a pic." Tricia replied from the other end. Karen nodded and went to camera on her phone, snapping a pic of the two lovebirds.

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