5. Picnic

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It's been 2 days since Dixie and Noah had their first date. Dixie has a small shoot today for some new purses Burberry wants to launch for their upcoming spring collection. Before Dixie has to get ready she gets a call from none other than Noah. 

*The call starts*

Dixie: Noah?

Noah: Hey Dixie! Um well I just wanted to call if you'd like to hang out again, maybe later today?

Dixie: Oh um well I have to first finish my Burberry shoot, then maybe we can hang out after.

Noah: Oops, sorry I didn't meat to disturb you while you were at work.

Dixie: Oh you're fine, you called right before anything started.

Noah: Good, but do you want to still hangout or if not I totally understand.

Dixie: No please I want to see you, how about we meet at the park at around 4.

Noah: Perfect, see you there!

Dixie: See you!

Dixie finishes her shoot early and is already done by 3. So she decides to go to her apartment and change her outfit for her little park date with Noah. As Dixie is getting ready Noah has already made plans for the park. Noah picks a private part of the park under a big tree and set's up a little picnic blanket and basket for Dixie. Dixie is done getting ready and freshening up by 3:30 and is on her way to the park. Being a bit early Dixie is having trouble finding Noah.

*Dixie texts Noah*

Dixie: Hey i'm at the park where are you?

Noah: Go to the fountain, I'll meet you there.

Dixie POV: Gosh where is he? I'm at the big fountain but I can't see him.

*Noah puts his arms around Dixie and picks her up from the behind*

Dixie: What!

Noah: Hey it's me

Dixie: Gosh Noah don't scare me like that

Noah: Sorry I couldn't help it. Oh follow me I have a surprise for you

Dixie: Where are we going?

Noah: Just close your eyes

Dixie: Fine

*They arrive at the picnic*

Noah: You can open your eyes now

*Dixie gasps*

Noah: Surprise!

Dixie: Wow Noah it's beautiful, is it all for me?

Noah: Of course it is.

Noah and dixie sit down having Noah's back on the tree trunk and Dixie laying her head on Noah's shoulder. They cuddle under the tree and talk about Dixie's day at her shoot. 

Dixie: Noah you should have seen the studio, I have never worked in such an organized and big place before.

Noah: Dix I'm so proud of you. I remember in High School you always talked about becoming a professional model, and look at you now.

Dixie: Thanks Noah, hey how was your day?

Noah: Well I went to the gym in the morning and mostly did media work today.

Dixie: Media work?

Noah: Yeah like interviews and meetings with the press, they love talking with new players and finding all the juicy information about you and your life.

Dixie: Wow so athletes get mobbed by the press too.

Noah: Yup, but I don't mind much. 

Noah and Dixie talk more about their careers and goals. But, Noah has an important topic to talk about with Dixie.

Noah: Hey Dix?

Dixie: Yeah

Noah: Listen I have had a lot of fun hanging and I want to do it more often. I miss you a lot and my feelings for you have never changed. 

Dixie *turns to face Noah*: I've missed you a lot too, I think that we should start making some rules too.

Noah: Rules?

Dixie: Yeah like what do you call us?

Noah: Well to be honest I want to kiss you right now. But, I think we could start a bit slower I don't want us to ruin what we have by moving too fast. 

Dixie: Well how about we start hanging out more and start calling these hang outs dates instead.

Noah: Okay, then Dixie would you like to go on another date tomorrow? 

Dixie: Why yes I would.

Dixie starts laughing and leans in to kiss Noah. Noah gently takes Dixie's face and pushes it towards his. Dixie then sits on Noah's lap having both her hands on either one of his checks. As Noah has his arms around Dixie holding her close. The two separate their lips and have their foreheads touching, both getting a breath for air. After their passionate kiss is over, the two sit up and Noah folds the blanket and holds it in one hand as the other is holding Dixie's hand. The two walk back to their cars hand in hand as the sun set's behind them. 

*The next day*

Noah and Dixie decided to got eat lunch together at a small restaurant by Noah's apartment

Dixie POV: Why does Noah have to aways look so hot. Like he looks even hotter than he was in High School, and he was hot in High School. I want Noah to be mines so badly, but I know that if we move to fast something will tear us apart. Which I don't want of course, but my urge to have him is becoming too impatient.  

Noah and Dixie cuddle up and order their food. While eating Dixie gets a text from Addison.

Addison: Dixie you are not going to believe what I just say!

Dixie: What?

Addison: I just say Noah go into a restaurant with some black haired girl, I mean he looked pretty cosy with her and even kissed her check!

Dixie: Addi

Addison: Yeah ik I'm so sorry hon. You seemed so excited, especially after that dinner date you told me about.

Dixie: Addison, that girl is me.

Addison: What!

Dixie: I am in a restaurant right now with Noah, and he just kissed me on the check.

Addison: Ohhhhhh.....well.....have fun!

Dixie: Thanks Addi

Noah POV: I wonder who Dixie is texting right now. She keeps laughing, it better not be another guy. I mean what if it is, she could be playing me and having fun with another guy. I am taking this way too slow, I need to show Dixie that I want to be with her before she goes and runs off with someone else.  

A/N: Thanks for the support guys! I am going to start adding some more steamy and drama field parts soon!

Word count: 1066

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