4. Dinner

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It has been a whole week since Dixie and Noah encountered each other at the club. Noah is feeling anxious as he has Dixie's number, and not the other way around. So, he has to make the first move by calling Dixie sometime soon.

Noah POV: I have to call Dixie soon or else she might think that I don't care about her. But what if she thinks I am too eager to call her? I think a week is enough, yeah.....yeah. I will just call her today. 

Noah *calling Dixie*: Pick up....pick up please

Dixie POV: FINALLY! why has Noah taken a week to call me? did I scare him when I basically told him I want to be with him? Well anyways he is calling now so I should be cool, relaxed and collective. 

Dixie: *answers the phone*: Hello?

Noah: Hi Dixie, it's me Noah.

Dixie: Oh hey Noah how are you?

Noah: Good actually, how about you?

Dixie: Yeah, same just a bit busy, you know always doing something. 

Noah: Oh well I hope I didn't call at a bad time.

Dixie: Oh no, your good you caught me at a perfect time actually

Noah: Oh perfect...um anyways I was calling to say it was great seeing you last week. I'm glad we got to catch up a bit. But, you see I wish we could catch up some more. Maybe even over dinner some time.

Dixie: What do you know I had the same idea. 

Noah: Perfect, well are you free tomorrow night by any chance?

Dixie: I think I might just be free tomorrow...yeah I just checked my calendar.

Noah: Great! Well do you want me to pick you up or-

Dixie: I can meet you there.

Noah: Okay, I will meet you at San Marino Ristorante at 7:00pm

Dixie: Okay, see you there!

Noah: Bye!

Dixie: Bye!

*call ends*

Dixie POV: Omg San Marino Ristorante is such a fancy place! I can't believe Noah is taking me there. I have never been but I here they have great Italian food. 

Noah POV: Wow, I can't believe I just did that. I better go make a reservation now!


*The Next Night*

Noah and Dixie are both dressed in black (not realizing they had both dressed in the same color). Noah put the reservation name as Noah beck and ordered a private table in advanced. Dixie talked with Addison and Amelie while getting ready.  The girls discussed what Dixie should wear and little High School stories about Dixie and Noah. Noah talked with Bryce and Blake in saying how much he missed Dixie. But of course Bryce kept calling him a simp while Blake could only agree to what Bryce was saying. Noah is now in the car driving to the restaurant while Dixie is starting up her car. As time goes by, Noah has reached the restaurant and Dixie is only a couple minutes behind. Noah also chooses to wait in the front of the restaurant for Dixie.

Noah POV: Wow is this really happening, am I really going on a date with my ex girlfriend, my soulmate, hoping she will take me back? What are the odds she actually still loves me? I mean sure she said she missed me but what if she is just playing with me. I can't go on like this and just be....*Noah see's Dixie walk in the restaurant* Wow. That's my date, aren't I the luckiest guy in the world?

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