Time for Hell *cough* I Meant School

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

We were making our way to the school when the police unexpectedly stopped us in our tracks.

"What are you kids doing walking around here? You go to Shujin right? Skipping school are we?" One of them spoke up, I was just about to answer when Sakamoto decided to speak up before I did.

"Huh?! What are ya' on about? We just escaped a huge castle where our school was supposed to be!" he yelled at the cop, while the other just looked to Ren and I with a 'is this guy serious' face we only shrugged at him.

Sakamoto must of let slip some more 'interesting' facts about the castle we came from, since the officer just looked to me and said "What the hell is this kid on?"

I then went over to Sakamoto and proceeded to hit him over the back of his head, before pushing him behind me and into Ren, he tried to walk forwards but Ren grabbed his arm preventing him from doing so.

"Sorry about him he has a bit of an... overactive imagination, we'll be heading off to school now." I said while bowing to the officers, before turning away to find that Ren was already dragging Sakamoto off by the back of his collar, I ran to catch up to them.

"Seriously Sakamoto-san? if you go around just saying stuff like that people are going to think that you're crazy." I sighed as Ren Let go of him.

"After everythin' that we went just went through, are you sayin' that it ain't real?" He questioned a bit annoyed.

"No I'm not. That in no way was a dream, but I'm not saying that it really happened either, no one except us seems to be aware of that castle. But now thanks to you we're going to be lucky if the police don't call the school! Sakamoto-san, you and I already have a bad track record not to mention the rumours, and I don't think this will help Amamiya-kun in any way either, since it's his first day and all." I huff out and he didn't say anything after that.

"Whatever, let's just hurry up." I say and we pick up our pace a little.

~Time skip brought to you by Ren in a suit~

We had made it to the gates of the school, it was around lunchtime and we were hoping to get in with no one catching us. However that was nothing but wishful thinking.

"Imagine my surprise to get a call from the Police saying that some of our students were skipping school."

'Tsk, of course those officers had to call the school counsellor' I thought agitated. He continues, "I think that it would be ideal to inform your guardians, don't you?" he threatens.

"Good luck with that, let them know I said hi." I sass back, just as Kamoshida comes through the front door to see what all the commotion is about.

"Now, Now, (L/N)-san is that anyway to talk to a teacher?" He asks, sparing a longer glance in my direction. Sakamoto and I just roll or eyes in disgust. 'What teacher? I don't see a teacher anywhere, all I see is a pervert.' I retort in my head.

He turns to Ren. "Being over half a day late on your first day. Can you explain yourself, Amamiya?" He gives Ren a look saying that he's won.

"No sir." Ren looks him in the eye, showing no fear.

"Well try not to let it happen again." He gives an agitated smile before continuing, "Also stay away from (L/N) and Sakamoto, they'll give you nothing but troubled. All three of you get going to class." I glared at him as we made our way past him and into the school, he only winked back making me gag.

~Redamancy~ Ren Amamiya X FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now