[1] My Sons!

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Reader POV

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Reader POV

I woke up to excited screaming outside my door and the sound of the door opening.


Two boys jumped onto my bed and shook me awake.

"What is it?" I blinked the sleep away from my eyes and was greeted by the cute faces of my two boys Yuji and Ryomen.

Ryomen grunted with annoyance and tugged me out of bed. "Hurry up! If you wake up early enough, you promised to get us meat buns before school!"

"Yeah!" Yuji backed his older brother up. "Get up!"

"Fine fine!" I grabbed them and hugged my boys tightly against their protests. "Go do Mommy a favor and pack a bento from the fridge in my work bag?"

"Okay!" The two scampered out of their room, arguing who would do it and get my praise.

"Hey! Don't poke my eyeball!"

"Then stop tripping me!"

"MOMMY!" They both screamed in unison.

There goes my extra five minutes of sleep.

I got out of bed and ran down the stairs to see the two boys crossed arms and glaring at each other, the bento on the table.

"Boys," I said sternly. "You know not to horseplay."

"Sorry," they grumbled in response.

I sighed and beckoned them closer, running fingers through their father's pink hair. "You two look more like your father each day. He'd be proud of you-but he's scold you for roughing around."

The two sensed my sadness and hugged me tightly.

"Don't cry, Mommy!" Yuji said with worry.

"Yeah!" Ryomen echoed, patting my head as I had knelt down to their level. "Sadness begone!"

I kissed both their foreheads with a fond smile. "I'm fine, boys. Thanks for getting my bento. Give me a moment and we'll go get you two dressed for school, okay? Go upstairs and brush your teeth."

"Race you!"

"Hey! No fair you got a head start!"

The two ran away, leaving me alone for a few blissful moments.

I went to the table by the living room where I kept various pictures.

My wedding day, the photo album of my pregnancy with the twins, my time as a school student, many pictures of the twins through various stages of their lives.

But in the center was the picture of my deceased husband, Sukuna Hajime.

I knelt down and sighed, staring into Hajime's forever warm eyes. "Hey, Haji. It's been a while, hm? You're probably laughing at me for what I deal with regarding our two melon babies. I must say, they definitely inherited your carefree spirit-thought Ryomen is a bit more insistent on completing world domination with his ant army."

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