[11] Ramen!

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Hello!!! Ooh, double update :0

Toji POV

"He told them what?" I nearly dropped my coffee at Kento's confession. "Kento, do you know what this means?"

"I know." He ran fingers through his blonde hair. "It's bad enough you and I knew, but Kechizu means to tell her. We can't let her know. We're all guilty, all of us."

I looked at Kento. "You love her."

"I..." he looked down with a blush. "So do you."

"Aye." I took a sip of my cappuccino. "I guess this ruins any chances we might've had with (nickname)."

Kento shook his head. "No. We have to tell her the truth the way she should be told-"

"Are you implying we lie to her to make ourselves look better?" I raised an eyebrow. "I expect that behavior from Satoru, but not you."

"What else can I do?" Kento sighed. "We both want her in our lives, at least as friends. Satoru is the one that messed up-"

I stopped him. "You can't keep blaming Satoru, Kento. We helped get rid of the evidence. We were the ones he called in desperation, though you were also in the accident, we were the ones who supplied that junk car the cops got. We're just as guilty, if not more."

"But she will never forgive us." Kento started running both hands in his hair, it becoming extremely messy. "And we can never see those boys again, and I see them as my own."

"So do I." I recalled how well they got along with my own kids. "But it's time to tell her the truth, Kento. She's mourned over Hajime for too long and she's not forgiven herself for asking him to pick Fei up from the airport that night."

Kento looked at me. "Why are you all of a sudden acting like the bigger person? If I remember correctly, you were the one at the hospital with me when Satoru had us swear to never tell her. Why change?"

"Why aren't you being on my side? Kento, you're a good man and anyone with sense can see that. We've both made terrible choices but it's not fair to let her go on like this. She knows something is amiss, Kento." I studied his body language closer. "Are you perhaps...living with guilt that you survived and they did not?"

He looked up and nodded. "If I had been the one to drive, Satoru wouldn't have hit the car. If I had driven, Hajime and Fei wouldn't be dead. Suguru wouldn't have betrayed us."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "But in the end, it was Satoru's fault for drinking and driving. Maybe there's a reason why you survived, to watch over her. There's lots of what ifs, but we have to protect her. She's someone we cannot let slip. But she deserves to know."

Kento's eyes were glistening. "But I'm afraid, Toji. I don't want her to drive us away."

"But if Kechizu is the one to tell her and she decides to push away, then we have to respect her choice. We haven't been honest with her in two years, though I wasn't directly involved with her until our kids were in the same class. Whatever happens, she's smart enough to understand that it wasn't her fault." I handed him an address on a slip of paper.

"What's this?"

"Geto Suguru's current address. Working in the red light district has its benefits, you know. When you feel ready to, you and I can go talk to him. He also deserves an explanation. Him and his daughter Aiko."

Kento and I walked back to the train. "You know, if she chooses you...I would respect it. You're the best of us, Toji."

"Thank you, but I'm not. I trust her with you, if anything. You've always been there for her. I've been too nervous to face her while you were there with her for so many major events." I shook hands with him. "Cheer up, Nanamin. The truth comes out one way or another. But I cannot live a lie anymore."

Ten minutes later I received a text from (y/n). I met with her at her parents' ramen restaurant, Tsumiki with Megumi and the twins with her. Her parents were lovely people and I did not fail to see how they had a family portrait of them, (y/n) with Hajime and the twins, Getu Suguru with Fei and Aiko, and of course their three cousins with Noritoshi Kamo.

"You look troubled. Is something wrong?" (y/n) asked me kindly as we ate, the children off behind the counter to watch her parents prepare food as they closed down the restaurant for us.

I wanted to tell her the truth, but could not bring myself to say anything. Not yet. "Just stressed from work.

"Maybe you should take some time off? Kento and I were going to bring the boys out to the family home in Okinawa, you, Tsumiki, and Megumi are all very welcome."

"Thanks." I gave her a grateful look.

She winked at me and went back to eating her food, probably glad to have the night off from making food for her boys and the chance to unwind and relax. "Of course, Toji. You're a good friend and I want you in my life. The boys adore you and your kids, such lovely kids. You're always welcome."

I wanted to kiss her right then, seeing her push her hair aside as she started slurping up the noodles and giving me a goofy look. I held a napkin up to her face. "You have something on you."

Our faces were red as I wiped the broth off her and tilted her head, getting the rest. Our faces grew closer and closer.


"If you want me to stop, I will stop."

She instead closed the gap, kissing my cheek, holding for a few moments. "Weirdo. Eat your food, otherwise I'll be upset."

My face at this point was red and I did not need a mirror to confirm it. We ate in comfortable silence.

Now I really don't want her to know, but she deserves to. What should I do?? I don't want to loose her but I don't want to continue to lie to her otherwise I may loose her again, but forever this time.


Buckle up, you're about to go on a rollercoaster of emotions.

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