[10] Parent-Teacher Confrences

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Double update!!! Another warning: this book was meant to be highly toxic, exit now if you are uncomfortable.

Reader POV

"Great. I forgot I have parent-teacher conferences." I looked down at the reminder that Yuji gave me. "Yuyu, do I have to do this?"

Yuji nodded. "Yes, Mommy! Gojo-sensei said everyone has to get these reminder forms signed."

Ryomen backed his twin up. "Yeah! He said whoever gets it to him tomorrow will get a cookie."

"You already have cookies...I really don't want to go."

Kento who was playing with Tofu looked up. "Want me to go with you?"

"No, but would you be able to watch the boys? Toji said he's leaving town for a bit." I began to prepare dinner. "Is omirice good? I don't feel like making anything fancy."

"Sure." Kento gave Tofu one last affectionate pat and went to the living room to help the boys with their homework while I made dinner.

I started humming a tune, one that Hajime would always hum when we were cooking in the kitchen. I glanced at Kento with my boys, an ache in my heart.

If Hajime survived the accident, it would be Hajime helping the boys with their homework.

I would always be grateful for Kento, but he was not their father. He was someone who the boys loved and looked up to, but their father was buried. Kento caught me looking at him and gave me a warm smile.

Once dinner was finished and the boys were watching the telly, Kento helped me do the dishes. He would rinse and I would dry. We worked in comfortable silence until my phone went off.

Incoming Call: Kechizuuuu🤡🗿

I answered. "Kechizu, what's up? Shouldn't you and your brothers be doing something? It's Wednesdays, you guys usually play volleyball with Kuroo and Kenma."

"(y/n), I just found out something. Satoru was here this weekend and told us something. I think you should come see me, I can't say it right now."

I groaned and put him on hold. "Kento, would you mind watching the boys? Kechizu has something important to tell me. Whatever it is, he can't say it over the phone."

Kento stood rigid. "He did? I'm sorry, (nickname), but I have to go now. Thank you for the food. Boys!" He walked into the living room. "I'm going now, don't give your mother too much trouble. I'm looking at you, Ryomen."

Ryomen and Yuji put down their plushies and hugged Kento goodbye. "Why are you leaving now? You promised to stay!"

"Something came up."

I took Kechizu off hold once Kento left. "I'm sorry, Kechizu. I can't come now, but I might be able to see you in a couple of weeks, I'm going to be pretty busy."

"Oh." He sounded disappointed. "Well, I suppose that's fine. But this can't wait, (nickname). Just...just be careful around Satoru from now on, okay?"

"Um, okay? I'll talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and crossed my arms. "I wonder what that was about." Tofu stood on his hind legs and whimpered, obviously waiting for a treat. I gave him one and sat down on the couch with the boys, watching Blue-E.

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