[12] The Beach

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Triple update??? Damn it's been a while since I did this😭😭😭

Reader POV

Summer break meant that the boys expected to be entertained every minute of the day. I was trying to pack up things for our two-week vacation and I had two rambunctious boys running around without anything but underwear on.

"BOYS." I yelled at them. "Yuji and Ryomen! Knock it off right now, you're not hooligans!"

But do children ever listen? No. Ryomen wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into the table holding my wedding photo. I watched with horror as it fell and the glass cracked.

No one moved except Tofu who scampered over to Ryomen to make sure he was ok.

"Mommy, I'm sorry, it was an accident."

I took a deep breath and counted to five. "Ryomen, please take Tofu and Yuji upstairs. Be careful of the glass."

"You're not...mad?" Yuji looked confused.

I looked at him with a frown. "I just want to get this cleaned up, okay? While you're up in your room, please begin sorting what clothes you want to wear to the beach. Kento, Toji, Megumi, and Tsumiki will be here soon. Please listen to Mommy."

The pair obediently did as they were asked and I got to work in cleaning up the mess. I carefully removed the glass from the photo, sighing when I saw there was no damage on it. I carefully placed it in another frame, putting it back. Once the glass was cleared, I got myself a snack and ate it, knowing fully well no good would happen if I confronted the kids on an empty stomach.

The doorbell rang and in came everyone, me instantly noticing that Toji and Kento were wearing tropical buttoned polos on top of compression shorts.

"Hey!!!" Tsumiki gave me a huge smile and looked for everyone. "Where are the boys?"

Megumi came in next. "Miss, can I please have a glass of water?"

Once everyone was settled, I went upstairs and finished packing the boys' stuff while everyone got ready to go in Kento's trailer SUV as he had the biggest car with additional space for the kids in the trailer. I would be leaving Tsumiki in charge of the trailer while I gave directions and company to the men.

"Goodbye my little Tofu!!" I gave my precious pet kisses on the forehead, his tail whimpering. "But my parents will take extra good care of you, okay? Be good."

I spotted Kento and Toji looking at me. "What, you wish that were you?" I winked at them.


Kento slapped my back playfully. "Whatever, (nickname). Let's get going."

I sat in the passenger seat while Kento took the drivers seat and Toji took the back. He had some beer for us to drink when we got to the rest area as well as some snacks.

The children were more than happy to be allowed to get junk food at the first rest stop and in total, it took about 2 days to get to Okinawa. I left Kento and Toji to deal with the bags, showing the children their respective rooms.

Tsumiki followed me up to the top. "Where does this go?"

"A tower." I opened the door. "This used to be my favorite spot. There's a balcony behind those doors and there's a secret staircase to the kitchen. This house was inspired by the Victorian era. My sister Fei and I used to sleep here whenever our parents let us come here for break."

She jumped onto the bed, giggling with excitement. "(y/n), thank you. You're a really good person. But I must ask you. Are you and my dad dating?"

I sat on the bed, her sitting up to sit next to me. "We are not."

"Lame. If you were, I think you'd be an awesome stepmom. No, you'd be our mom. You're awesome and my brother and I really look up to you. Dad won't shut up about you."

"I see." I took off my wedding band and let Tsumiki hold it. "I understand that your dad has affections for me, but I am still wed to Hajime-my husband-until the day I die. Sure I have had flings, but it would seem rude to Hajime for moving on. What would the boys think?"

Tsumiki handed my band back to me. "Yknow, Dad shared the same worries. When he met my mom, they weren't in love but he saved my mom and I from my biological father. We're safe now. When Megumi's mother passed, he felt it was wrong to help another woman, even if they were just friends. But you have the right to happiness, (y/n). Hajime wouldn't have wanted you to live in pain the rest of your life. If you love someone, go for it. Otherwise you may loose your chance. You may only have one chance."

"Tsumiki, when did you become so mature?" I groaned. "I'm the adult, I should be the one giving you advice."

She leaned on my shoulder. "Sometimes we need to hear it from someone with experience with these things. But we really love you, (y/n). Whoever you choose, we'll always be happy. But please choose my father. I've never seen him so in love before, even Megumi knows it."

I gave her a side hug. "Cheeky girl."

I left Tsumiki to unpack her things, and saw my boys playing with Kento and Toji outside in the gentle waves, Megumi playing in the sand nearby.

This is what life should be. Nevermind finding my own happiness, what matters now are my children. But if I allow myself to love someone again...

My gaze drifted to everyone. I knew I had the right to be happy, but I wanted to make sure it was with the right man and not someone who I would not be able to trust. I wanted to trust that person wholeheartedly and never keep secrets. I wanted them to be my island in a storm, my sunshine in a monsoon. But Kento and Toji had never given me any reason to not trust them with my life, they had been there for me in my ups and downs, especially Kento.

So maybe I could let myself fall a bit. Especially since my boys adored both of them.

And what about Gojo Satoru?

I knew my feelings for him were long gone, but maybe it was time to forgive him. I understood now why he said what he said, especially after Himari and I met recently.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a text, asking him to meet once we got back.

It's time to forgive him and move on. I can't be trapped in the past. I deserve to be happy.


Ugh it's gonna be so painful to write whats coming. For now, enjoy the fluff.

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