Unova league

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Y/N Pov
I had been a year and a half since I left and began my journey. I was staying at the pokemon centre where my partner, altaria woke me up with a slight Peck on the forehead.

 I was staying at the pokemon centre where my partner, altaria woke me up with a slight Peck on the forehead

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(Ignore the swablus and music notes)
She was also wearing an amulet with an altarianite on it. She was my bestfriend and my strongest pokemon as she recalled the rest of my team so that I could return them to their pokeballs:
Dragonite( Given to me as an egg by lance when he visited after I helped him with his new teammate)
Garchomp(Caught as a gabite and nursed it back to health when Cynthia and I found it injured in a forest after helping her with a problem with her garchomp)
Gyarados(Caught as a magikarp who was abused and abandoned by his trainer)
Lapras(Caught in opelucid City in the ocean)

We had been preparing for this for months ever since we beat the opelucid gym:we were training almost every single day, fighting trainers over and over again as well as fighting high level wild pokemon. I had made the final preparations for the league but one thought that was in my mind was if Iris would be watching. If she was, I had to win.

Time skip(1 hour)

It was time for the preliminary rounds where 1 there were 128 trainers who were randomly paired against each other. I was up against a guy called mikael who used a raichu while I used garchomp to instantly faint raichu with one earthquake. After my match I watched a raven haired boy fight a serperior with a pikachu. As he exited I saw two people congratulate him, cilian the grass type striaton gym leader but also a girl who had big, puffy hair and an axew who looked too familiar. But before I could say anything to them, altaria got out of her pokeball( a heal ball) and charged down the girl with one of her signature hugs showing that it was who I thought it was. It was Iris.

Iris Pov

As we congratulated ash on his victory over ash I got tackled by a yellow flash, a shiny altaria that looked too familiar." Altaria come back here!", a very familiar voice cried out to his pokemon."Hi my name is Y/N and I am so sorry about altar-",before the boy now known as Y/N could finish his sentence I embraced him in a bone crushing hug as axew and his altaria shared a hug."Y/N I am so happy to see you again!", I said with tears of happiness as he shed a tear of the same emotion. We then talked about what he and I did on our journeys: talked about the times he helped out lance and Cynthia and even got two autographs from each of then and gave me one of each. I blushed a faint red that he couldn't see. I then told him about how I met ash and some legendary pokemon, he was envious."Um, Y/N what is that thing on altaria's neck?", I asked about the mysterious stone on his partner's neck."It is an altarianite which allows her to mega evolve", he answered but before I could ask another question the screen showed the next matchups.

"It is an altarianite which allows her to mega evolve", he answered but before I could ask another question the screen showed the next matchups

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(I skipped the 64 matchups. Replace the guy Cameron is fighting with Y/N)

Y/N and Ash then left to go prepare for their matches despite altaria's protest to leave axew. I am so excited to see how Y/N fights and I am also excited to see if he mega evolves Altaria.

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