Chapter One: Botched

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You were writing in the presence of the Turks. Your pen stroked dangerous words across the paper of your diary, which you always kept close. At your right was Reno, your best friend, who knew better than to look at your entries. He was minding himself, thank God, and sorting files like Tseng had ordered him to.

Up until this day, it has all been mapped out. Tonight, I'll leave and seek out someone who will listen to the truth about Father and his selfish facility. I expected the day to be scarier than this, but it's not like I'll be fleeing in broad daylight. I tell myself I'm not scared, but I'm shaking like a leaf, right next to Reno too.

You glanced once again at your friend. Today you wanted to spend more time with him before you left for good. And became his enemy. He seemed stressed. It felt selfish to leave and stress him out more, but you knew it wasn't only for your own good.
Your hand retreated from the page, feeling the fabric of the blazer around your shoulders he let you wear occasionally.

You found yourself staring for too long, and Reno was looking at you with a puzzled expression.

"Do I look pretty today, Ma'am?" he asked with a snicker, causing you to snap back to your senses.

"Oh. No," you responded without a second thought. Reno's smug look faded and he took on a sassier one before looking away, and leaning back with his arms crossed.

"Is that so?"

"Not what I meant--"

"No, it's fine," he huffed. He wanted to seem upset but he couldn't stop smiling. "I see how it is."
You just rolled your eyes and punched his shoulder, causing him to cringe a little. "Ow."

"And stop calling me 'Ma'am'," you scoffed.

"But you're the President's kid, I have to address you properly." He proceeded to bat his eyelashes.

"You know damn well you don't have to do that."

"Maybe. So, whatcha writing?" He looked over at your diary, causing you to immediately cover the page with one hand and push his head away with the other. You closed the book as he gave you a dubious look. You thought you had already been caught. The two of you shared a moment of silence.

"That secretive, huh? You're lucky I can't read cursive." (I'm sure he can probably read cursive, but I can imagine him not being able to 🧍) Your handwriting was never the neatest. It was unique in a way. If you had left a note meant to be anonymous, anyone could immediately pin it on you.

You let out a huff and turned away. "You shouldn't read it regardless."
He only shrugged as a response. "My bad, Ma'am."


"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Reno, stop antagonizing her," Tseng sighed from across the room as he worked.

"Whatever..." he gave you a teasing smirk before sitting up and going back to what he was doing. You sat with him, waiting a while to continue your entry. You finally did, and hours of comfortable and productive silence passed...
At the end of it, Reno was laying down on the sofa across the office. His arms were behind his head and he had closed his eyes, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

You got up and waved to Tseng before putting Reno's jacket on the arm of the sofa and leaving the room. It was dark outside now and some of the lesser employees were winding down.

You ambled tiredly to your room, thinking maybe you should have been more active today. That you should have stayed sharp so you had the energy to hightail it out.

On the way to your room though, you saw your brother, Rufus, turn down the same hallway. You never were on perfect terms with him, but you decided to wave anyway and give a small smile. He actually acknowledged this time and gave you a nod.

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now