Chapter 13: Recovery

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"You son of a bitch!" the officer snarled. You were standing on one of the pillar's levels again. You looked around, thinking frantically. The officer was in the same exact place as earlier, and so was Biggs; leaning beat up against the wall.

"No... no, what am I doing here again? I'm supposed to be dead." You whimpered. Your throat began to burn and your head ached. All the sound around you seemed was soft, almost seeming as though something had neutralized it. The atmosphere made you feel as though you were drowning.

You gasped, remembering the first phrase you heard. It was all so familiar. Suddenly your memory came back. You whirled around and leapt at the officer, reaching once again for his gun. Yet again, you were so close and barely nicked it before a strange pressure came over you.

The gunshots came again, without the ringing this time. You watched both three officer and Biggs fall to the ground just like earlier. You let out a blood curdling scream this time, crumbling to the floor and covering your head.

Suddenly, you could feel what felt like bubbling below you. You looked at the platform. It was turning into a blazing hot black bubbling substance beneath you. You winced and tried to stand, but fell back, the substance stinging you like some sort of venom or concrete on a hot day.

The destruction began to spread. You grabbed onto whatever you could that was still solid and tried to pull yourself up and get over to him. Your vision was fuzzy and the last thing you saw was your bloody outstretched arm reaching towards him.

"Biggs!!" you cried, quickly sitting up and reaching out. You were panting in a cold sweat as you looked around.

"[F/N]! Calm down!" Ms. Folia gasped, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. She lowered your arm back to your side and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness... I was beginning to lose hope..."

You looked at her, tears beading your eyes. "Ms. Folia...?" Your voice cracked. She nodded at you. "I'm at the Leaf House... What happened...? Where's--...?"

"Biggs is in the other room," she finished. "He's alive, don't worry. He somehow woke up before you did a couple days back. His recovery might take longer, but right now the most he's doing is talking to the kids and walking a little. Jessie's all right too."

"And Wedge...?" You asked shakily.

"We haven't seen him..." Ms. Folia said, almost reluctantly. You leaned over and hugged her, letting out a fretful sigh. She hugged you back gently and rubbed your back. Tears burned your eyes and began to fall as you cried with your head on her shoulder.

From down the hallway you heard slow, heavy footsteps followed by lighter sets. You saw someone coming through the doorway. "Did somebody call for me?"

Your eyes widened and you stared at Biggs from Ms. Folia's shoulder. Kids peeked out from behind him, standing on their toes to look over his shoulder, or ducking under his arms. He looked equally as shocked and the kids that accompanied him followed him into the room.

"Biggs!" Ms. Folia scolded. "You shouldn't be walking around like that." He waved his hand dismissively. His torso was covered almost entirely in bandages and so was his forehead and some spots on his arms and legs. He was wearing shorts but not a shirt.

"I'll be fine. You let [F/N] walk around with a bad leg and a half-open wound anyway," he retorted.

"Well yes, but..." Ms Folia started, just earning a head shake from him as he pulled up another chair beside the bed. You were sightly embarrassed, waking up in such a dramatic way. You felt exhausted, even though Ms. Folia said you'd been asleep for days. You already had a migraine were red in the face from the crying you had already done.

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now