Chapter Eight: Project S

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You all made into the sewers with only minor complications. You were worn out, but you didn't want to complain, as to not get Barret peeved. You already had somehow, you just didn't want to make it worse. The mercenary was sassy too, and you didn't wanna argue with him.

"You doing okay over there?" Wedge asked as you trailed behind him and Biggs. You nodded in response.

"Just a bit tired," you replied. "No big deal."

"I just wanna take a shower ASAP," Biggs groaned. He wouldn't stop complaining about how awful he smelled after that mission. You smirked a little.

"You do know I get to shower first, right?" You asked.

"Huh?" Biggs looked over at you. "Oh, the hell you do," he replied jokingly.

"Smalls is right. Ladies first, dude," Jessie said from the front of the group. As much as you didn't like her sometimes, you complied when she was on your side.

"Yeah, my hygiene is more important," you added smugly. Biggs scoffed.

"You hardly broke a sweat out there," he said. You raised a brow and wiped some sweat from the back of your neck and brushed your hand across the back of his shirt. He shivered and looked over his shoulder at you. "Was that sweat?"

"You said I didn't break any?"


"That's enough flirting for one day," Cloud interrupted. "We still have work to do." He walked past the both of you, arms crossed and all with a bored look.

"We're not flirting, pretty boy," you shot back. Cloud just nodded and ignored you. You scoffed and looked over at Biggs, sniffing the air.

"Man, you do stink," you said, covering your nose.



You all eventually made it out of the sewers. The city was burning and speakers around the sector were issuing warnings to the evacuating citizens.

"No..." Jessie said. "No way..." You looked over at Jessie. Nothing but guilt could be found in her expression.

You murmured as you stood alongside the others; "The bomb shouldn't have..."

Biggs and Wedge seemed remorseful too.

"This couldn't have been us... Could it?" Biggs asked, pacing slowly and looking at the destruction. 

"But what if it was...?" Wedge queried.

You decided to stay quiet as they all made efforts to brighten the mood or excuse the group's actions.

"What's done is done," Cloud finally said, interrupting their clamoring. Barret hesitantly nodded at him.

"Merc's right..." Barret said.
"It ain't pretty, but we can't stop now. This was just the first reactor. And the planet won't be safe until we get the rest."

"Yeah," Biggs replied. "We always knew this was gonna get messy." His guilt-filled face glinted off the fire as he stared at the ground. You could feel your eyes burning. You didn't know if it was the smoke, or actual scruples.

"And this is only the beginning," Wedge added. You hated how they were egging each other on, acting like they didn't feel even a little remorse.

You thought taking away from ShinRa would be more satisfying than this. You wiped some oncoming tears away, staying behind everyone

"Y'all gotta look at the bigger picture here. Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice," Barret preached. "Though you may not be crying out, I know you're in pain— just like the planet. But it's okay, 'cause I'm here for ya. To help take the load off your shoulders!"

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now