Chapter Six: Avalanche

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The children were distraught about the news that Biggs had come to them with. He never gave them a real reason, and that distressed them more. To your surprise though, they seemed to care more that you'd be leaving as well. Honestly, it made you want to leave even less.

You and Biggs were set to leave the next day. You stood at the door as a bunch of kids bombarded you, begging you not to go. Biggs and Ms. Folia tried to ward them away from you, though you didn't mind. You had done your best to comfort them and reassure them that you would be back.

"Please don't go, [F/N]!!" one of the kids cried. He was hugging your waist, refusing to let go. You had a sad smile on your face as you ruffled his hair.

"I promise, I'll be back as soon as we get everything situated," you told him. "And then after that, I'll be back every other weekend. Be nice to Ms. Folia."

He only nodded, burying his face in your shirt. You cringed mentally, not wanting snot and tears on your clothes. But you understood to a certain extent. After all, this had been brought on them less than 24 hours before you actually had to leave. You felt bad for them.

"Okay, guys, why don't we stop crowding [F/N]," Biggs suggested. Thank goodness. They did as he said and backed off, wiping their tears and blowing their noses.
"Ready?" Biggs turned towards you. You sighed a little, tightening your headband.

"I suppose," you replied ruefully. You looked back at the kids. "You all should keep exploring and collecting things. If not for me, then for Ms. Folia," you turned and smiled at the new orphanage keeper. She gave a small smile back.

You looked at Biggs and nodded. "Let's go." You turned and waved to the kids as the both of you ran off. You subtly wiped some oncoming tears, playing it off as rubbing your eyes and yawning. He hadn't noticed. He seemed really excited about this next chapter. 

"Have you thought about whether you're going to join Avalanche or not?" Biggs asked. You felt yourself tense up. You'd thought about it a lot. So much so that you could not sleep the night before. 

"Not really," you lied. It had done nothing but eat at you, but you wouldn't wanna explain why. "I pretty much made up my mind when you first came to me about it yesterday."


"And I'm not going to join them," you told him bluntly. He looked a little surprised, but not very. If anything, a little disappointed. You wouldn't tell him why, but he thought he had a pretty good idea of what it might be.

 You were still upset about all the trouble you had caused just a day or so ago. Biggs and Wedge had to drag their asses topside to save you from ShinRa, without even knowing the truth about you. They might as well have left you there instead. You knew you'd cause more problems later, once this whole terrorism thing went out of wack. The truth was, you'd love to blow up something ShinRa-owned, but you felt you'd hold everyone back. Your face was unmistakable-- to any official who worked for ShinRa, that is. Everyone knew Rufus, sure, but the president's daughter wasn't nearly as important as his son, the vice president. 

"That's all right," Biggs finally said. "There's gonna be a lot more to it than just damaging Mako reactors. It could go wrong at any time, so I guess I can see where you're coming from." That wasn't it, though. Maybe he was more oblivious than you thought, which was a good thing. Or he was trying to comfort you without being suggestive. 

"Thanks," you sighed. "For trying to be understanding." He just looked over at you as you stared forward, and gave a soft smile even though you weren't paying attention. Your mind was racing, though you kept a calm and unbothered exterior. 


A few restless hours later, you and Biggs arrived in Sector 7. You got off the train first, looking around the station. It definitely wasn't the prettiest sight, and of course, standing at the gate were two officers on duty, surveying the area. 

Alias: Biggs x (Female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now