We Have A...Lead?

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  "Coplex.co?...that's just the engineering company Ace works for...wait- yeah that makes sense-" You say "Exactly...we might have a lead...but the main building is in Florida!" Sam says, "do I hear a road trip?" Max asked excitedly "I'm afraid so..." Sam says as he faced you "this is a little much, so if you don't wanna go I understand-" he says before you cut him off

"I wanna go-" you say with confidence "but we're in New York...and we need to go to Florida...and we're driving there-" he explains "I'm going with you if ya' like it or not Sam, I've come too far ta' turn back and let a dog and a rabbit handle this-" You say as you cross your arms "W-Well then, Max, we're going to Florida!" Sam says...

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