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After you all enjoyed and over enjoyed your food, you headed back to the car with daylight to burn. The car might be driving you a little crazy but you'll live.
You got in the passenger seat once more...and Max climbs right back into your lap. Sam got in and started the car, and started to drive down the road again "we should be in Pennsylvania soon, not to far to the state border from here..." Sam says as he slowly sped up.
You look out the window, you never really seen the country side of NewYork, it was filled with trees and sun, instead of buildings- cars- and that one tree outside your house that's surrounded in cement. It was a nice break...All you ever did was a model gig then stay home, you never had friends...well- other than Ace, But I guess now you do have friends, crazy ones- but the bond is there.

You look out at the rear view mirror...and a car was behind you, it was a new looking black muscle car, and it seemed to be speeding up- not to pass you...but like it was- THUD
They rammed into the back of the car. "Uh- Sam?!" You looked at him panicked "I know- I know-" he says looking just as panicked as you were.
"Can I shoot? Can I shoot?!" Max bounced in your lap then scurried to the back seat...pulling out a hand pistol and a Tommy gun...
You swallowed hard,
"ok ok now!" Sam says, Max looked at you "Have you ever fired a gun?"
You shook your head, you never had the need to before....then- he handed you the pistol- opening the window, Max started to shoot at the car behind you, laughing like a mad man.

Your hands were shaking as you held the pistol, there was no way you were doing this...but you opened your window, cocked the pistol...and fired, it busted through the driver's window of your attacker's car, you watched as blood spewed and the car slows down, loosing them...

You had just killed a man, with a weapon...YOU KILLED A MAN...WITH YOUR OWN WILL- YOU HAD ENDED HIS LIFE AND-
"Hey! Nice shot!" Max interrupted your mortified thought
Your body was shaking "I k-killed him-" you say breathlessly "or herrrrr-" Max says "or they-" Sam added
"OR XE OR IT- we need to scram if that other drivers alive-" you say now panicked as ever. "Erm- small problem Dove, They shot our tire- it's loosing more air then a jogger on a hot day in Florida during a heat wave!" Sam says...Y'all had a flat tire, now on the side of the road- farrrr from anyone or any town...and it's getting dark...

Well Shoot-

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