Roadside camp

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  "Well shoot-" you mutter as you look up at the now darkening sky "what now?" You then turned to look at Sam who has zoned out momentarily "well- sure hope you like sleepin' under the stars!" Max says with a smug look on his face "What? Ugh- I haven't been camping since I was like- 10-" you whine a bit, you remember it vaguely, you went camping with your dad one year when you were young, you never had any family issues, your mother and father treated you well, very well actually! You missed them dearly, you should give them a call soon, check up on them and all, they were the people that gave you life and kept you alive and stuff...
"Ah-HAh!" You were snapped out of your thought as you looked at Sam who was holding up a rolled up tent in his hand from the trunk of the bullet shot car "bingo! Just what we need-" he smiled "can't we just sleep in the car?..." you asked "no can do- this thing might combust into flames...Fire will kill you-" Max says as he lightly knocked on the car door, it clanged as the hinges came undone and fell harshly to the ground.  You jolted a bit from the sound "F-Fine! Fine..." you gave in.
After a half hour had past you and Sam finally set up the tent, it was big-ish- enough for three people maybe.  You dust your hands off and look at your work proudly, "well, we can try and find help tomorrow, for now- we need rest..." Sam said "Yea!" Max says as he finished covering the remains of the car in leaves and tree branches so it was unseen from the outside "yea..." you sighed, at least it would be warm.

  Sam got in first, you got in next and Sam gave you his coat to keep warm in, and max got riiiiight next to you, cuddling under the coat with you.  This was not your ideal situation right now but it's what you got.  "Good night." Sam says "Night!" Max says all chipper "nigh...t..." you had passed out, you didn't realize how tiered you were.

At least you had your Roadside Campsite...

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