Chapter 1 ~Found~

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Night had fallen and with it, snow graced the land. With each snowflake dancing in the wind, the air grew ever more frigid. Inside a house that glowed with light stood one man. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties with his ash-blonde hair placed in a ponytail and oval glasses rested upon his nose. He sat at his dinner table with a cup of tea in hand. This man was Kaien Cross. 

He looked out of the window beside him and sighed at the sight. The storm was worsening, a light dance of snow was turning into a raging battle of white. Life has become more complicated for the man, pressures all around him squeezed tighter with each passing day. He found himself constantly thinking back to that same day as of late, the day he so foolishly encountered Juri Kuran. Kaien was lucky to be alive after he tried to hunt her down, and astonishingly he even managed to be forgiven by her and even befriend Juri. The news he heard from the Hunter Association was another thing weighing him down and his plan for his school, Cross Academy. He wished to fulfill Juri's and his own dream, to make a world where humans and vampires could peacefully coexist.

Kaien got up from his chair with a tired sigh, his cup of tea finished in hand. As he made his way to the sink he heard a distant cry. He stopped mid-step and became silent, straining his ears to hear it once again. The sound indeed made its appearance again. He slowly put his cup down on the sink counter and turned to his front door where the sound was coming from.

"Now what could that be?" slowly walking towards the door he muttered to himself in curiosity. He cautiously placed his hand on the doorknob before opening the door.  At first, only a snowy night greeted him with cold winds and puffy white breaths coming from him.  He felt confused, hadn't he heard a cry from his door just before? It was only when the cry resurfaced that he looked down onto his doormat and realized what was before him. 

An infant child was laying atop his doorstep. She was crying with tears trailing down her rosy cheeks and her rosy nose. Her skin was pink from the cold, despite being swaddled in a cherry-pink blanket. Snow had lightly piled up on top of her and it seemed her blanket was getting soaked. Kaien was shocked, to say the least. He most certainly wasn't expecting this sight to greet his eyes. He quickly shook himself out of his surprise and acted swiftly. He picked up the crying infant in his arms. His hazel eyes swept over the area outside, looking for any sign of the person who dropped this infant off, but no such luck seemed to be on his side. His eyes flickered to the girl in his arms. "Who could have left you outside like this? Let's get you inside and warmed up."

The infant continued to cry as she was moved into the warm house. Kaien unravelled her pink blanket and as he did so, he found a simple note that held one word. In neat handwriting the word Sakura was visible. "Sakura...that's your name?" he questioned as he turned his gaze to the young girl in his arms. His eyes connected with a pair of dazzling blue orbs looking back at him. Once he uttered the name, the girl stopped crying. She reached her tiny arms out towards him and gave out a cooing noise in delight. That made Kaien smile in relief and happiness. It was at that moment that he decided what he would do. "Sakura...welcome to your new home Sakura Cross."

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