Chapter 7 ~The Smell of Blood~

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Hello, my Stars. I usually have a small note at the end of the chapters, but I thought to put one at the front of this chapter. This chapter is actually two put together, so it's a long one. I did that to make it go smoother as the way I had it before wasn't working and felt choppy. It still feels choppy to me, but I've let you all wait long enough. I usually try to keep my chapters to 1500 words or so but this one is around 3274 words without this note. Also just to make it easier on myself in the future, I might just keep each chapter the entirety of an episode, so that'll make it quite long. You have all been warned. I hope you enjoy this chapter! See ya!


Before they began their patrol Zero dragged them all to the headmaster's office. His reasoning was simply because he had to talk to him. So there the three stood, one infuriated Zero and an uncomfortable Yuki and Sakura.

"Why are we doing this? Come on Headmaster, our job is to work security not be bodyguards for celebrities!" Zero finished his point by slamming his fist onto the desk.

"I know doing this every night is hard on you but-"

"Well if you're aware of that then why don't you increase the number of people in the disciplinary committee?" Zero cut Kaien off, slowly getting more irritated. He then pointed to Yuki. "All I got is this girl and she's useless. Sakura's always with Yuki so it's as if there's only two of us!"

"I don't have to take lip from someone who's late all the time!" Yuki argued back.

Sakura just sweatdropped and shook her head. "Come on Zero, that's really mean. Yuki's not useless and you know it."

Kaien took a sip of his tea calmly and answered Zero's question simply. "That won't happen," he quickly changed his mood into a cheerful and go-lucky manner. "It's our job to keep their identities a complete secret. I mean that's why the academy is set up the way it is so that we can keep the day class and the night class separate from each other." He suddenly turned serious again. "For the two to coexist day class mustn't know the truth about night class and that's why your work as guardians is so critical. You are the only three I can trust with this duty. I know you work all night and that people hate you and that it's a thankless task but by giving this job to my dear son and loving daughters I alleviate any sense of guilt." He was back to his cheerful mood. That was almost inspiring and I was almost proud of you Papa. Sakura shook her head at his antics.

Zero caught everyone off guard by slamming his fist onto the table again, except this time he broke it in half. "I admit I do have certain obligations towards you but I do not remember agreeing to become your son!"

"You're such a stickler for details Zero," Kaien pouted.

Zero then turned towards Yuki and Sakura. "You're actually his daughters, Yuki, Sakura. Why don't you be the ones to try to talk some sense into him?"

"Huh? Well, it seems to me that the night class is actually doing a pretty good job at getting along with the day class. And I really don't mind having to help out." Yuki explained.

Sakura nodded along to what Yuki said and turned her gaze towards Zero. "Yuki's right, they really do seem to be doing well. Besides, they may seem a little odd here and there, but really they're not that different from us. They seem like they really do want to coexist with us. It's a little tiring, but that's what sleep's for, isn't it?" She smiled brightly trying to alleviate the tension in the air coming from Zero. 

Kaien then started to cry. "You're such good girls. You make me so proud of you!" He reached over to hug Yuki seeing as she was the one closest to him but she stepped away at the last second. That resulted in him hanging off of his desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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