Chapter 3 ~Slow Progress~

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The next day Sakura woke up to the sun shining in from her window. The snow had stopped falling sometime in the night and left a shining white world in its wake. She made her way towards the kitchen still dressed in her pyjamas. Her face soon curved upward in a warm smile as she caught a whiff of food. It was sweet as if she could taste it in her mouth, she could imagine how fluffy and soft it would be as it was coated in liquid sugar and topped with the freshest fruit. It made her mouth water just by smelling and thinking about it. As she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she wasn't disappointed with the sight that greeted her.

Kaien was in front of the stove cooking his famous morning pancakes. Oh, how Sakura loved them.  He looked up towards her as her shuffling alerted him to her presence. "Goodmorning Sakura! Why don't you wake up our new guest, breakfast is almost ready." He smiled radiantly with his apron on.

Sakura nodded with a smile to match his. "Alright, Papa! It smells so good!" Her stomach grumbled as if it agreed with her statement. She walked towards the guest room where the brown-haired girl slept. Sakura knocked on the door before slowly opening it. Her eyes scanned the room before settling on the already awake girl in bed. "Oh, you're awake. Papa made pancakes for breakfast."  She bounced inside of the room and grabbed the girl's hand gently. "Come on, you don't want to miss it. They're really, really good!"

With a smile, Sakura guided the girl towards the kitchen.  Sakura placed the girl by a chair before going towards her own. Kaien joined them with the towering plate of pancakes, as the table had already been set. After saying thanks, the two Cross' dug into their breakfast. Sakura melted in delight once the flavours touched her tongue. But when she looked up, she noticed that the third member of their party hadn't touched anything. "Oh, you just take the fork in your hand with the knife in your other hand. Then you cut it into little pieces, like this! And then, it's time to dig in!" Sakura beamed while showing the girl how to eat the pancakes. She ended with an exaggerated forkful of pancakes in her mouth.

The other girl slowly grabbed her cutlery and tried to do the same as the other girl. She then took a forkful and brought it to her mouth. Both Kaien and Sakura were watching intently and they both shared smiles. Once the girl had the pancakes in her mouth, a light danced in her eyes, one of happiness.  Her mouth curled into a barely noticeable smile, but Sakura caught it. That only served to widen her own smile. She's happy! I bet she has a really pretty smile too. 

After breakfast, Sakura brought the girl with her outside to make a snowman. Though the snow wasn't as sticky and perfect for snowballs as it was the day before, Sakura still wanted to enjoy the snow. "You know what I think? I think that angels are real and the snow is from them. It's like they want to make us happy! So we can play in it, but because it's from heaven, we can't be out too long cause they have to take it back. It's like a gift and every year it gets better and prettier." Sakura explained to her silent partner. She held some snow in her gloved hand and turned to the brunette as she smiled at her.

For the rest of the day, it was the same as the morning. Sakura would talk to the silent girl and she remained her silent friend. Sakura didn't try to force the girl to talk and she didn't seem to feel shy from the lack of response. Kaien smiled whenever he heard Sakura talking to the girl, yet he couldn't shake off the worry he felt for their new guest. She didn't speak nor was she really responsive to anything.

Once the sun had set, Kaien and Sakura sat down to discuss potential names. Sakura liked the name Flora, which was the name of her favourite teddy, but Kaien gently waved it away. He excused it by saying a name should be unique to someone, and because her teddy already had that name it made her teddy unique.

"What about Yuki?" Kaien had suggested. 

Sakura thought about it for a minute and put her hand to her lips in deep thought. Then her blue orbs connected with Kaien's as she smiled. "Yuki...I like it. It's really pretty."

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