Chapter 6 ~Cross Academy~

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It was another day at Cross Academy for the guardians. Fans of the infamous night class lingered and hovered around their dorm gate, wishing to get a glimpse of them. Most of the fans were girls in their teenage years. They all wore black uniforms, the uniforms for the day class. Two girls ran to be in front of the crowd, one had short brown hair and the other had long white hair. These girls had special armbands that signified their position as disciplinary committee members and guardians of the school.

"Alright everyone, step back. It's way past curfew for all you day class students, so just turn around and go back to your dorms." The girl with brown hair spoke.

"We can see what you're doing Yuki, it's so obvious. You just want to keep the night class to yourself and Sakura." A girl from the crowd spoke.

"Yeah, you two are taking advantage of the fact that you're the headmaster's daughters."

Sakura, the girl with long white hair huffed, offended by the accusation. She stood beside Yuki and raised a brow towards the two girls that spoke. "That's not true and you two very well know that. It's our duty as members of the disciplinary committee to make sure-please back up!" Before she could finish talking, girls started to rush and crowd the gate more with love-sick expressions. The gate started opening, gaining the attention of the two guardians. How can we be late again? I even made sure to rush Yuki out with me too. Sakura pouted as she thought of the predicament they had gotten into yet again.

Sakura and Yuki turned their gazes back to the crowd of girls only to be surprised that they have formed two lines by themselves, leaving a walking path for the night class students. Sakura chuckled at the turn of events as she stepped aside.

"Please proceed." Yuki also walked aside as she spoke in a tired, resigned manner.

The night class walked out and greeted the girls. They truly were an elite group of students, Sakura couldn't blame the girls all too much for how they act. Every night class student was poised and incredibly beautiful. 

Hanabusa Aido started to greet his fans with his cheerful personality. He had blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that made nearly every girl fall in love with him. "Good morning girls! I could hear you loud and clear from the dorm. You're all looking quite cute today~" Many girls swooned over him while Yuki sweatdropped from his act and Sakura rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Hi~"

"Hanabusa." A deep voice warned him. His hair was a light orange and his eyes almost looked like the burnt orange of a setting sun. He was Hanabusa's cousin, Akatsuki Kain.

"Oh relax, you're so stiff Akatsuki." His attention was driven towards some girl that called his name. Hanabusa then smiled at the girl and pulled his hand out to make it look like a gun. "Bang." He pretended to shoot the girl and she fell with hearts in her eyes. That made many girls run over to him, wanting him to do it to them next. Because of their excitement, they ended up running over poor Yuki. Sakura didn't notice Yuki got pushed down as she tried to separate the girls from Hanabusa, an attempt that seemed harder to accomplish than she thought.

"Come on girls, please don't crowd him like this. Please, everyone, stop pushing or go back to your dorms!" Sakura tried to reason with them yet it seemed in vain as they kept pushing her away and ignoring her. She huffed and pouted at being ignored. I swear each day they get worse and I try to be nice! Zero, I'm not happy to do this but since you're not here I'll do it. She took a deep breath and held a determined face. "Girls if you don't line up calmly and stop crowding him, I'll make sure Zero drags you to the headmaster!"

The girls all froze in an instant, even the air seemed to freeze and grow still. Oh no, did I do something wrong again? But before she could wonder even more on it, the girls all lined back up in a flash. Sakura let out a breath of relief and walked over to Yuki, who she noticed was talking to Kaname. Sakura smiled, only to have it waver once she took a look at the fans lined up. They all pinned death glares at Yuki.

"That's what the disciplinary committee does." Sakura tuned in to Yuki and Kaname's conversation to hear Yuki say that.

"When you act reserved like this, it makes me feel a bit lonely." Kaname softly spoke to Yuki as he stood up.

"Um, I'm sorry. I guess it's because you're the one that came and saved my life that day." Yuki explained herself.

"Don't worry about that now, that was so long ago." Kaname gently caressed her hair and cheek. Sakura smiled faintly as she saw the gentle look in his eyes and how Yuki blushed. Ever since she met the two of them, she had seen the sadness lingering in their eyes. She made it her mission to make sure that they were happy, yet she couldn't ignore her own heartache. Over the years she had grown close to Kaname as a friend and she really did consider Yuki as her sister. Seeing them have this tender moment made her heart hurt, but why? Do I have heartburn? Zero then made an appearance and grabbed Kaname's wrist, wrenching it away from Yuki's face. That made Yuki call out to him in disapproval.

"Your class has begun Kaname. You should go." His voice was like steel, hard with no room to argue and a silent warning.

"Zero, what have I told you about being mean? You could have asked him nicely." Sakura spoke up. Leave it to Zero to express his disdain towards all vampires. She looked at him with her eyebrow raised and her mouth pulled into a slight pout. She didn't like it when he was so hostile. He only flicked his lavender irises towards her and gave a slight glare, not backing down. The two engaged in a silent staredown, neither one backing down. Kaname removed his wrist from Zero's grasp and looked towards Sakura.

"It's alright Sakura," he then glanced at Zero before walking away. "You're so scary, Mr. Diciplinary Committee."

Two girls walked towards him tentatively and asked him to accept some gifts they had for him. He did accept them calmly and politely but Sakura noticed something at that moment. Although he was smiling, his eyes weren't. They looked cold and disinterested. That made a frown pull at the corners of her lips. Why did he hide his pain, his feelings with others? How are you going to be truly happy if you do that, Kaname? 

You all need to get back to your dorms right now!" Zero yelled at the fangirls and that sent them running in fear. "Every day they're out here screaming and throwing themselves at-" He got interrupted by Yuki punching him repeatedly. That caught both Zero and Sakura off guard. 

"What are you acting all cocky about you jerk, you're late! It's our job as the disciplinary committee to set an example!" Her punches were unrelenting, leaving no room for Zero to respond.

"Yuki, come on just calm down. You really don't need to punch him to get a point across." Sakura sweatdropped at her actions. Both Zero and Yuki ignored her, too fired up to really hear her soft-spoken words.

Zero then turned the odds to his favour and started to push Yuki, not letting her punch him anymore. "Well yeah? I could say the same thing about you. You're so obvious you're pathetic." This made Yuki pause in shock and confusion. Sakura got weary, knowing just what he was talking about. "Listen, it's really none of my business whether like that guy or not. But you do know, right?"

"Oh shut up, of course I know!" Yuki spoke defensively. Sakura walked towards Yuki to be in front of her. She placed her hand on Yuki's arm to comfort her. Her sapphire orbs then turned towards Zero and place him under a light glare.

"Of course she knows Zero, you don't have to say anything. Come on you two, it's time we do our patrol." She started to walk away with the other two following her. Sakura knew of Yuki's crush on Kaname, so did Zero. That's why it made her blood boil whenever he was like that, none of them needed to be reminded. The truth of the night class wasn't something someone could easily forget, even if they were in love. They were completely different from them. The night class students weren't only beautiful, no their secret was much darker than that. All the students of the night class were vampires, just like Kaname was.


Hello, my Stars! This was supposed to be Monday's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! See ya.


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