Chapter 34

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"Kay soooo, imma need ya to trust me okay?"

She walked over to a small box , letting go of my hand.

"Alright , but if I die I am gonna be a little ticked off. " I smiled slightly , clearly being sarcastic.

"Great!!" She seemed ecstatic as she stood up , holding what looked like a strange .. I'm not sure actually. It looked like one of those seats you get on the flying swing chairs , the double ones.

"Okay so , this may seem a little stupid but.." she attacked the chair to the zip line by a few clips , this did not look safe.

"We going on the chair today!!"

She beckoned me over , I hesitantly walked over and sat in the seat. Now I'm looking at it , it looks more stable than I originally thought , there was a lot of strong metal clips.

She cat the other side and put the bar down to hold us in.

"Ahem ..." she put on a voice a announcer might use. "Please make sure all bags , phones , and other items are tightly secured !" She giggled.

I made sure my bag was tightly wedged next to me in the chair , the strap was still around me so it should be fine , I put my phone in my inside blazer pocket that zips up.

Yumemi put her bag strap on and had it next to her.

"You ready ?!" She looked very excited.

I looked at the trees infront of me, I have no idea we're this would take me." I mean not really but-" to late , she pressed a little button on the chair and it was realised.

We went down the zip light at a fast speed.

"HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD " I clutched on hand onto one of yumemis.

"This bit takes a while , chill out !" She smiled at me "only like ..5 minutes ?"

I groaned and loosed my grip on her hand , still holding it.

Yumemi took her phone out her pocket and put some music on.

Weight of living , bastille

"SEE ? This is fun !" She said putting her phone in her pocket with the music still playing.

I giggled abit , this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The trees were starting to thin out a bit. Suddenly the drop steepened and The seat stopped at the start of a path.

Yumemi hopped out the chair and helped me out , taking my hand she took me down the path and into a clearing.

𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒕// sayaka x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now