14. Pranked

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Arden Serrano

"Don't you dare. I swear to God, you'll be sorry." She said and I chuckled. Poor Jasmine.


I actually threw her into the water. I saw her quickly stop her breath and try to resurface as quickly as possible.

"You arse!" She shouted angrily at me as soon as she caught her breath.

She kept her one hand on her chest and tried to grab the swimming pool's edge with the another one. She pulled herself to the edge and rested her back against it.

She started taking deep breaths and it was at this moment I know I fucked up.

I quickly got into the pool, inside the water and I saw her shiver a bit. The pool water's temperature wasn't very low, it was a hot day today and naturally the pool water has started heating up by now.

"Jas..." I called her name as I walked towards her. For obvious reasons, my walk was slower than usual.

"What happened?" I asked softly as I neared her and cupped her face. Her body was still shivering and she didn't answer me.

I grabbed her waist and made her sit on the platform of the pool. Her legs were still dipped in the water. She wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed her arms' length with her palms and tried feeling a bit of warmth. I quickly jumped out of the pool and picked a towel from the nearby lounge chair.

I walked towards her and wrapped the towel around her.

"Ar-Arden?" She stuttered as she held my hand.

"I'm here, Trouble." I reassured her.

Since her legs were still in the water, I once again entered the pool and this time, I wrapped her legs around me. She pulled me closer and encircled her arms around my neck.

She was still shivering and trying to get in contact with my body heat. I pulled her even closer to me and wrapped my hands tightly around her body.

She buried her neck in the hollow of my chest and her laboured breath hit my skin.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I didn't realise when the endearment slipped out of my mouth but an odd kind of satisfaction settled inside of me when I heard my words for her.

I jumped out of the pool and slipped my hands under her legs and waist. I hoisted her body up, in my arms, basically carrying her bridal style. She immediately encircled her arms around my neck and hid her face in my chest once again.

Her closeness was honestly, affecting me tremendously. I could feel my heart beating ecstatically in my chest and it felt as if it will jump out of my ribcage any moment now.

She had no fucking idea how much her little innocent movements entice me. Her now reddish brown hair, her big innocent blue eyes, her pretty little mouth, her soft touch. All these things just ignite something in me that I like and dislike at the same time.

I walked towards her room and entered her bathroom. I made her sit on the bathroom platform and gave her towel a hitch.

She didn't utter a word but her teeth-chattering had luckily stopped.

I turned her shower on and turned it towards the hot water setting. I let the water run for a couple of minutes after which I put my hand underneath it. It was a warm bath temperature, not hot enough to burn her skin.

I turned towards her and saw her looking at me with intense eyes. I neared her and helped her get off the bathroom platform.

I don't know what came onto me when I kept a hand on the back of her head and place a tender kiss on her forehead.

I then silently walked out of her bathroom and into my room. I took a quick shower myself and walked downstairs to make a quick lunch.

Once I was done, I was about to call for Jas when she herself walked downstairs.

I handed her the plate and sat in front of the tv, a random movie playing in the background.

"I need to tell you something, Arden." She suddenly said in a low voice.

"I'm really sorry for what I did earlier today. Jas, I would've never done that if I knew you didn't know how to swim. I felt so guilty when I saw you shivering, I felt like dying when you didn't speak anything and your face started becoming pale. I promised your parents I'll take care of you but I went ahead and did that. I'm a jackass. I'm the biggest ass in the world. I really am sorry for..." She cut me mid-sentence.

"You've been pranked." She said and I felt like slapping myself for being stupid.

"Fuck you." I said as I took a couple of chicken rolls from her plate.

"Oh but baby, you already have." She whispered seductively in my ear and I stuffed a chicken roll back in her mouth to get her to stop laughing.

QOTD: Do you guys have any phobias?

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