24. Bitch Wha-?

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Arden Serrano

I was in my room, working on my laptop when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I granted permission after which Jasmine walked in, wearing a blue silk pjs top and shorts.

Her hair were tied in a messy bun with strands of hair falling out and she was wearing a pair of slim black-rimmed glasses.

She looks so cute in them...

She cleared her throat and my stare got broken. I looked into her eyes and raised my eyebrows.

"What may I help you with?" I asked.

"Sleep with me."

Bitch wha-?

I cleared my throat and looked at her with questioning eyes. "Wha-What?" I stuttered a bit at her... demand.

She closed the door and walked towards me. She picked up the laptop from my lap, closed it's flap and put it on the bed. She grabbed my shoulders and sat in my lap in a way where she was straddling me.

She brought her mouth close to my ear and I gripped my knees tightly in order to control myself.

"I wanna watch a movie." She whispered in a seducing voice.

Before I could react, she got off my lap and forwarded her hand in front of me.

"Such a tease!" I whispered and grabbed her hand.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" She asked.

"A good one?" I deadpanned and earned an eye roll from her.

"What genre?" She corrected her question.

"Does it matter?" I shot back.

"Of course it does. Why else would I ask you?" She asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"You and I both know we're gonna end up watching the movie you pick. Why bother?" I said as I pulled a big bowl out of the kitchen cabinet.

"You make me sound so bad. Okay fine. Here's the deal, we watch a movie that you pick tonight and if I like it, we'll take turns in choosing movies from now on." She said as she fetched me some popcorn kernels from the pantry.

"Okay, fair enough." I said as I added oil to the pan and added the popcorn kernels to it.

"So, what are we watching tonight?" She said as she poured some Rosemount Shiraz in two wine glasses.

"Anything horror." I said.

"Okay we're not ready for that." She announced.

"We aren't?" I asked in confusion.

"I'll be right back." She said and sprinted to her room.

The popcorns were ready by the time she returned. I served them in the big bowl I previously fetched from the kitchen cabinet.

She returned with a big cuddly blanket, her shorts replaced with long pj pants which were surprisingly of the same pattern.

"Now we're ready." She said with a proud smile.

"You might as well fetch a shield incase something may pounce on you from the tv." I teased.

"Unnecessary. Until and unless you're not the one who pounces on me, I don't need a shield." She said as she carried out the glasses to the living room.

"Trust me, Trouble. When I pounce on you, you wouldn't even think about getting a shield." I smirked as I walked in the living room with the popcorn bowl in my hands.

"Moving on." She said in a voice which clearly gave away her blush.

"We're watching Sinister." I said as Jasmine turned on the tv.

"F-fine." She said and I knew at that point she's damn scared of horror movies.

I took my usual place which was the big couch in front of the tv and I expected Jasmine to sit on her usual spot, the single couch on the right of the tv but she decided on surprising me.

She walked towards me and sat on my couch with very little distance between us.

"May I ask something?" I absent-minded-ly said.

"I think you already did but whatever. You go." She said. I rolled my eyes at her unique reply on my question.

"Why're you sitting with me on my couch tonight?"

"Well, while watching horror movies I always cuddle with someone." She meekly replied.

"Oh. Who do you cuddle with usually?" I asked.

"At first it used to be Sara but ever since she got married, she cuddles with Darius. I don't have anyone left so now it's Leila." She explained.

She hugged my torso and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, bringing her closer to me, cuddling.

"I always crack jokes if I feel like someone is getting a little bit too scared of the scenes." I said as the film started. Jasmine had visibly started getting tensed.

"Crack one." She quickly said.

"In a court:

Lawyer - Did you kill the man?

Witness - No, I didn't.

Lawyer - You know what the punishment is for lying in the court?

Witness - Much less than murder."

"Not funny," She said.

"It's okay. I've got another one:

A man after frantically searching through his pockets - Shit! I think I've lost my keys, can I borrow yours?

Prison Guard - No!"

She luckily, laughed out loud on the second joke.

"You liked the second one?" I asked with a smile.

"No. I was trying to distract myself." She said.

"No more cuddles for you." I said and unwrapped my arms from her.

"Don't be such a sour-lawyer." She said as she hugged me tightly, cuddling once again.

That's not even a word!

I mentally facepalmed myself and continued watching the movie.

~ Jasmine's Pjs Set ~

QOTD: What's your favourite horror movie (if you like them)?

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QOTD: What's your favourite horror movie (if you like them)?

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