27. Veronica and Marcus

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Jasmine Knight

"If I may, you both look so similar. Almost twins." I commented.

"Yeah we do. Although you can clearly tell, I'm the more attractive one." Axel said.

Not to me. I personally think Arden looks more handsome but I can't deny Axel is pretty good-looking too.

"Lies." Arden said with an eye roll.

"Ignore him. He's jealous." Axel said.

"Jealous of what?" Arden asked.

"Well, now that you've got your hair coloured black, even you realise that I look better than you. It's a no-brainer, brother." Axel explained.

"Puh-lease!" Arden said in his 'Captain Holt' voice.

"I look better than you even as a brunette. Stop being envious." Arden said, now in his normal voice.

"There's no competition here. I clearly look better." Axel said.

"Said no one ever." Arden sassily said.

"Okay. Let Jasmine choose." Axel said.

"Okay. We'll let Jasmine choose." Arden agreed with his brother.

"Why me?" I asked. I was really enjoying this siblings quarrel.

"Do we have anyone else here?" Arden deadpanned.


"By the way, you look lovely today, hermosa." Axel said as he took my right hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

Arden took my hand out of his brother's hold and pulled me to his body. My back was flushed against his chest and he wrapped both his hands around my bare waist from behind. He nuzzled his nose in the hollow of my neck and placed a kiss there. Butterflies settled in my stomach as his fingers made invisible patterns on my bare waist skin.

"You smell so good, baby." Arden whispered in a sexy voice as he bit my earlobe lightly. He kept his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze. He pressed a small kiss behind my ear and a shiver of pleasure passed down my spine. Glimpses of last night ran through my mind.

"You know how handsome you find me to be." He said and I mentally rolled my eyes.

I spun around in his arms, grabbed his jaw and brought my lips near to his.

"Nice try." I whispered and untangled his arms from around myself.

"Ah, my virgin eyes." Axel exclaimed and I slapped his shoulder lightly.

"You both are equally handsome. Axel looks good as a blonde and Arden makes for a pretty good brunette." I said giving a tactful answer.

"That was so diplomatic." Arden said and I ignored him.

"So, what do you do, Axel?" I asked as I sat on the kitchen island and I munched on my breakfast cereal.

"I'm a financial broker." Axel said as he was done spreading the almond butter on his toast.

"Richie Rich!" Arden said in a sing-song voice.

"Pot meet kettle." I remarked.

"Arden, you charge $1600 hourly. You're a billionaire and you're just 28." Axel said.

"That's on being a Virgo." Axel concluded.

"Hey! I'm an Aries and I'm just 5'5"." I said with an eye roll.

"So?" Axel and Arden looked at me with weird looks on their face.

"What? Everybody knows that Aries are the tallest and Sagittarius are the shortest." I said in a 'duh' voice.

"Nobody knows that." Arden said.

Immediately after that, Axel said, "Yeah, why would someone know that?"

"For timepass I Google my zodiac sign and it's facts." I said, my voice fading out by the end of the sentence.

"Anyways, you're 28?" I asked with wide eyes as I looked at Arden. It's a way of changing the topic. I'm just 24.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Woah. I thought you must be 26 at max. You appear younger." I said.

"Why thank you, niñita." He said.
(Little girl)

"I'm not a little girl! I'm 22." I said as I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Evidently." Arden sassed.

"So, Jasmine, you're bored at home?" Axel asked me.

"You bet your ass I am. I feel so bored all day here." I said.

"And I'm having a vast for the past two months, touring around different cities everyday." Arden sarcastically said.

"Arden." I fake glared at him and he kept his hands in the air in a surrender position.

"We're bored out of our mind, Axel. Why do you ask though? I swear if this is drawing us out for a joke, it's not funny." Arden said. Axel walked towards the living room as his elder brother started speaking.

"Brother, it's a good thing I'm here then." Axel said as he entered the kitchen again.

He kept a small bag on the kitchen island and asked me to open it. I unzipped it and saw different coloured wigs in it with extra, different types of clothes.

"What's this?" I asked and at the same time Arden asked, "What the hell is this?"

"Disguise yourself. Go grocery shopping. Come up with some fake names for each other and also, here." Axel kept a small bundle of money on the table after which he gave us fake silver wedding rings. "Go as a normal married couple. Nothing to be suspicious about. I'll look after the house while you're gone."

"You ready, Veronica?" Arden asked me, already giving me a fake name.

"Always, Marcus." I said as I wore my fake wedding ring.

~ Their fake rings ~

QOTD: What's your zodiac sign?

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QOTD: What's your zodiac sign?

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