Part 5❤💫

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De'arra's Pov

"Kentrell why did you yell at her", I ask staring up at him, my eyes still glazed over from the xanx i had. while he got me and himself some water out of his mini fridge.

"Ian mean it De", He mumbles.

"I'm trying De'Arra", He says keeping his head up.

"POPS", We here Kayden yell. He walks down stairs with me following behind, just as Draco says nevermind.

I see Ke picking ova her food. I walk over to her.

"You need to eat Baby", I say sitting next to her as Kentrell fixes me and him a plate. Still watching over Ke noticing shes not eating. He hands me a plate telling Mykel to move, once he does. Trell sits next to his daughters.

Kentrell's Pov


"I'm sorry", I say lowly to Ke'arra.

"It's okay", She says picking up some on her plate then putting down.

No Eating
Not being energized
throwing up food
Extreme fatigue

I break a crab legs for her putting the meat on her plate.

"Take a few bites Ke", She nods biting and chewing the piece on her plate.

"Thank you", I say and she continues to take small bites as I praise her.

"You still hungry", I ask her as she finishes the last shrimp on her plate.

"No", She shakes her head.

I nod giving her one last shrimp.

"Daaaa", She wines.

"Ke it ain't as hard as it seems just take 2 bites and I'll let you and yo "friend" close the door slightly", I kind coax knowing damn well Ian wanna leave them alone. "Yo brothers will leave yall alone", I say.

She finally eats the shrimp, then goes to wash her plate off. I finish eating before grabbing my phone opening my house camera app shit and clicking Ke'Arra's Room to see what they are doing. They are arguing about whatI don't know. My Daughter is crying. I hear some shit be thrown.

"KE'ARRA WHAT THE FUCK", I hear her boyfriend yell. Making me, Kayden, Taylin, Kamiri, and Kacey walk to her room. Fuck knocking. I walk in seeing blood running down Mykels face.

"I'm sorry. I promise you", Ke say trying to hug him but he gently pushes her off.

"Delete my number Ke'arra. I been trying to help you but you ain't letting me in so I'm done mane. Ian never meant to disrespect your Daughter Mr. Gaulden or you. So Ima leave", He says grabbing his shit.

"Stay yo ass thea. What the fuck happened", I raise my voice cause why the fuck this lil nigga bleeding and My daughter is crying.

"I been tryna help her get through this depression shit witout tellin you but she ain't even tryna let me in. I told her to tell you but she don't wanna say it. She knew I was about say sum so she threw a fucking glass plant at my head".

"Go see De'Arra so she can clean that then you can go", I say making room for him to walkout.

"Dedd-", I cut her off.

"Puts your shoes on. One of yall clean that glass up.", I say walking out and going to the door.

"Oh shit", I hear Armani mumble making me pop her Inna mouth as she sees Mykel's bleeding.

"Sorry", She mumbles laughing.

Once Ke'Arra gets down Armani holds her hand out for Ke to shake.

"Don't know what happened but that nig needed it", She says.

"Shut up Armani", Queen says walking out the door behind me.

" Get in the car", I say opening the door fa her.

I close it once I know she's settled.
I walked to the other side getting in the driver's seat looking at Ke'arra.

I'm tired of looking at her so I start the car and drive.

2hrs 30 mins later

"Ke Sheronda used to throw bottles at them niggas she fw head cause they used to cheat on ha ass. I pray you never ever in yo fucking life throw another fucking bottle at a nigga head again.That boy coulda fucking hit you if he ain't have any self control."

"....I ain't know you was goin threw Depression and Anxiety. I really been trying to father you but that shit is hard asf. So every couple months Ima bring you here", I say turning the car off and getting out.

"What do I do", She's confused.

"Do whateva the fuck you want we miles away from anyone, yell, scream, curse, shit whateva you need to do Queen, but allat pent up shit need to be let out.", I say lighting up a blunt.

"How", She ask.

" FUCCCCCCK ALLA STUPID HOES I FUCKED WIT. Like that", I say leaning against the car.

She eventually starts yelling curse words and other foul shit bout me which the shit is true but in my fucking face, It ain't the time Kentrell let ha get it out.

Once she's done she walks over to me and hugs me harder like when Bella first became a vampire in twilight, I still hug her back.

" I'm sorry", She mumbles.

"It's my fault Im sorry Queen I love you", I say as she continues to break down with me seriously not know how to comfort her but I'm working on it. Eventually she pulls away sitting on the curb, I go head sit next to her.

"I love you too Da... Come on", She says standing up walking on the field.

"Ke you on that white people shit we are not about to die going threw that shit.

"You have a gun right there", She says.

"That don't mean shit", I say.

"Can I shoot it?", She ask.

"Hea, hold it like this". I say

(I made this)

Sooo how are yall. My book isn't perfect but I'm working on it

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