part 16

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I am writing an extremely graphic scene... It has to do with Sexual assault, rape, pedofiles. Im going to put a warning for when it gets there so you'll know.

Ke'arra's Pov

I was getting ready for school forgetting I even had it foreal. Oh shit Kason starts today too. Lemme go wake him up.

I walk to his room that got finished 2 days ago but he mainly sleep in my room I always wondered why he is so clingy. Then I remembered it has always been like this. Either I was always next to him or he was always next to me.

Laughing to myself as I reminisce. I open his door. Walking to his bed I sit down on a vacant spot.

"Kj get up", I shake him lightly. He's annoying when he grumpy. He'll be mad at me. Then all up on me but ignores me while laying on my shoulder. So weird.

"Whyyyy", He mumbles quietly.

"We got school, I'll ask Kacey to stop at Tremaine's If you get up", I persuade cause Tremaine's is his favorite, for their famous biscuits.

"Can we match", He sits up and rubs his face. I nod standing up pointing to the bathroom in his room.

"I'll find the fit for you", I say going to his closet. That's why Da was buying all those clothes. I grabbed the outfit, that was a closest match to mine.

"Why you ain't dating Ole boy", Kason asked.

"Who", I ask confused.

"Py", He said with soap on his face as he walked out the bathroom,then waking back in.

"Youd let me", I ask scared cause who is this and Where is my brother.

"Yeah now answer my question", He says wiping his face with the rag

"Daddy, he brought the nigga around but da doesn't want him around me that shit is weird as hell", I say laying the clothes on the bed

"That shit weird but I guess you still his lil girl and pops so overprotective, I get what he coming from", He says taking his shirt off.

"Eewww nigga you coulda warned me", I say hurrying out the bedroom.

He does his laugh sounding like Daddy.

"That bitch ain't shit gang, hoe still fucking on a nigga that got his ass beat. Them kids ain't even mine man. No not Ke'arra or Kason, De'arra bitch ass pregnant and pinned them kids on me. No she don't even take care of the kids she got now, gotta force that strung out bitch to care of our kids. Bitch ass hoe-

"Daddy", I cut him off tears running down my face.

"Ten I'll call you back", He sighs sitting the phone down after hanging up. "Come here Queen", He opens his arms walk to them hugging him.

"I'm sorry she did that Daddy", I say apologizing for her.

'It ain't your fault pretty girl, don't apologize fa that. I'm sorry you had to hear that", He pulls away wiping my tears.

"What did you mean by strung out", I ask sitting down next to him.

"She on drugs. Ian introduce ha to nun of that I promise.", He says so bluntly.

"How can you say it like that", Turning on the news.

"34 year old, Instagram Influencer, De'arra Taylor found dead in her house from what sources say drugs in her system. Officials say they found Xanax surrounding her. She is pregnant with a baby, baby is surving and has been saved", The news reporter says.

"Daddy we have to go get them", I say trying not to cry again.

"Come on go get Kason. Ill tell your brothers meet me at the hospital.", Daddy runs his hands down his face.

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