Part 4;Let's just talk

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So I should've posted a chapter when it was Easter but I was having my own happy celebration at my Church.
It was mesmerizing and a beautiful experience. I cried a lot. I felt as if Jesus was right there holding my hand.
I do believe in Jesus. I do believe he is the messiah and the son of God.
So if anyone has any objections then don't read my book.
I have no problem showing my religion no matter what people think.
I had a friend , I won't say her name, so let's call her Janet.
Well Janet and I had a argument on the topic of suicide.
You know with what happened with thay pilot who crashed the plain ( in the Atlas Mts.? I think)
Well I told her no one has a right to take your life away not even your self only God. She comes and tells me this and it really got me mad.
Well she said ," You can't tell me I'm wrong that's your opinion."
She was very mad at me.
I apologized for offending her but I don't apologize for saying what I said.
Then she still kept going.
She told me I'm atheist ok and if you don't want to be my friend anymore then fine!
I was like ok, I didn't mean to offend you can you leave it alone. Yet apparently it was a no.
She told me you Christians are so selfish. You think everyone has to believe what you believe in if not they burn in hell.
You guys say that God controls you well he doesn't.
Your your own indivisual person. He doesn't control you. Plus there are other gods too who's to say he's the one. You guys portray him as this big holy master... and blah blah.
Well you can imagine how our friendship ended.
You know something if anyone ever tells you that don't let them walk over you. Stand up for God!
I was pretty mad. All that crap she was saying. What was she hoping to come to. It was for sure, not going to change my perspective on the matter. So I didn't understand the point of arguing. Janet also told me this once.
We were eating lunch with our friends. In our whole group she's the only non-Christian. So I forgot what the topic was but anyways all of sudden she says, "I'm going to pray, even though I don't believe in God."
You should've seen my face. I was like then why pray. Isn't that like mocking God. Your not gonna get anywhere if you don't really believe in it.
I didn't start anything. I didn't want to. I had already gotten into enough fights with her about the dilema. I really don't talk to her as much as I did before. I wasn't really happy with her attitude anymore. She's a really negative person. Now, I want to stay positive and fight those negative feelings, you know?
That's why on my birthday ,which is this month, I won't invite her. I don't see the purpose. I'm not in the mood to be brought down on this birthday.
This is my first birthday, I won't be spending with my dog. If any of you have a dog you know how much that connection is. It's like having a family memeber. You love that dog so much that if it hurts you hurt, its happy your happy. For me to loose susy was a great deal of pain. I miss her
I miss her with every fiber of my being. I loved her with all my heart.
I know she's in a better place now. I know God will take care of her until I see her again. To be honest it still hurts. So I am trying to be real happy you know. I don't beed people like that to "ruin" it in a way.

Jesus has risen a long time ago and it should be a week of celebration
I love you all. Look at the vids above they're the things I did in Church. Bye
Sorry if it's short.
I want to dedicate this to Susy. I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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