Christianity+Science =?

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I believe that everyone has their own right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. If I don't agree with them it's my problem.
Yet, there is something that I find very nerve racking and it just bothers me, it's being atheist. I don't know why but I feel like in my christiab faith that you know you can love science all you want as long as you can stay true to the teachings of God.
Like the Big Bang Theory as it says in its own name it's just a theory. I wouldn't be atheist just because of this so called 'theory'
Thay testifies against how God created the planet. God made this, everything we know and he made everything on this earth and in our universe even in our galaxy. There might even be more galaxies that we don't know of but that's what he created. What people don't understand is that of we don't know something it's because God wants you to know that if you believe in him you know that there are things beyond belief that might exist in these other galaxies. What bothers me is that God made us and some of us don't even believe that he made this devine Earth that is our home.
My uncle always told me you can love science but you always have to leave space for God.
You can never let the theories of science change the way you see him or question what he has done.

I know people get bothered by the fact that most Christians try to change people's beliefs but you know that's part of our faith. In a song I have called "God's Not Dead" in the  lyrics it explains how we won't stop until every knee bows down to God. God isn't evil. God is love. If not he wold have not given us his son. Even his son,Jesus, has the most purest heart. Jesus took our sins to the cross for us so we could have forgiveness. This should be science right here. Things happen for a reason but we will never know how they happen. God does things to show us to teach us.

I know I am kind of getting off subject but obviously every chapeter I write isn't just going to be based on the title of the chapter. It's going to go a little bit more there and a little bit more here.

Now back to subject.

I feel as if some atheist aren't atheist because they believe in science but because they feel like they need to see God to know he's real but I feel different towards that subject. Sometimes proof will never add up because God is some how like the supernatrual. Unexplainable things aare hs power he does the impossible what no human cand do. Which that's pretty much are defenition of the supernatrul. I will always say this. God is like the wind you can't see him but you can fell him. you might not see the wind doing thingd but what it left behind or what it did is proof enough. That's how God's work is. He does things with out anyone seeing him but you know he did it.


Thanks guys for reading my book. I actually like writing this book. It makes me feel happy  and very expressive. You know idk if I told you but I will update this book when I can.  I don't want this book to become a burden it's meant to be a happy book that I share my love and defense for God.



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