2 | An Unexpected Encounter

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Lily was always seen as 'cold' and 'scary' by people. When she was young, she was bullied for the scar that was standing out on her forehead. It stuck with her ever since. She almost had a nice childhood because of her two friends.

But I guess fate wasn't up for it.

When she was little, she was delicate but beautiful. An innocent little soul that wanted to explore the world and its mysteries. She acted vulnerable and would always hide behind someone she knows when she had a chance.

Bakugo and Midoriya would have always played with her when they were little, even if she wasn't often allowed.

It all changed and fell apart because of the incident.

One day, she just stopped going out to play with her friends. Bakugo and Midoriya didn't exactly know why.

She grew up emotionless. She never really learned how to smile. In the other hand, what would she be smiling about? Is there a good reason for her to smile?

Because of her emotionless demeanor, people feared and didn't want to befriend her. She would always push people away for she is scared that she will just hurt the person.

When she did make 'friends' they betrayed her and stabbed her right at the back. They used her. They bullied her. They abused her.

Her only friends were Midoriya and Bakugo, since they stayed with her while growing up. She never really knew where to turn to, where to pour out her feelings.

So she just kept it to herself, bottling up the emotions deep inside.


It was 5:30pm. After a long day, Lily decided to have a drink before going home. She was just scrolling through her phone as she headed to a nearby cafe. Even when her eyes are focused on the screen, she made sure to take little glances as she walked, to make sure she wouldn't cause any accidents.

The reason she went to the library, is because she needed more ideas and focus to write a new chapter for her book. Writing and drawing are basically her main hobbies, considering her quirk.

After a long moment of walking, she finally reached the cafe. As she opened the doors, the delicious scent of caffeine and baked sweets greeted her. She felt like something was tugging her sleeve in her mind, telling her to check her phone for any new news.

That can wait, she needs to order something first.

What would she order? Eh, doesn't really matter to her. She doesn't want to order something fancy.

Being the simple bean she is, she walked up to the ordering station and gave her order. "One vanilla milkshake, please." Her hand quickly rushed to the side of her bag to find some loose change.

After successfully finding the right amount of money, she placed them onto the counter of the cash register. The person behind it punched the order in and grabbed her money.

The white haired girl averted her eyes once she got a chance to avoid awkwardness. She wasn't really fond of socializing with others.

In fact, she's scared of messing up.

Even as simple as asking for help, she couldn't get the words out right because of her lack of communication.

The worker placed her money inside the cash register and went to the side to grab her already prepared drink. The worker handed it to her and she gladly took it. "T-Thank you." She shyly thanked before leaving the cashier.

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