deja vu (2)

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Remember when we used to go on road trips to Malibu?

Music, ice cream and Jaehyun.

Those were the 3 things you loved and needed the most whenever you went on road trips. Heck you could probably throw out the music and ice cream and just have Jaehyun as company only.

Those road trips were often unplanned. Sometimes you and Jaehyun would go without thinking about where you guys would specifically go or what you guys would do there.

There was a particular time which was the most special. It was the first road trip you and Jaehyun went on after you guys made it official. Actually, it was also the first date you guys went on as a couple.

You remember back in high school when Jaehyun would tell you about the times he and his family would go on road trips to Malibu during school breaks for some family bonding time. You hadn't been to Malibu before so you were very excited when Jaehyun decided on taking you on a road trip there, especially as a first date since you guys had not been on one yet.

Jaehyun drove up to your house and honked his car, letting you know that he's arrived to pick you up. You run downstairs and look through the curtains and see Jaehyun getting out of the car. You quickly grab your stuff and head out of your house.

You jog up to him, both of you embracing each other in a tight hug. As you let go, you spot the jacket he currently has on

"wow i love your jacket! is it new?"

"oh this? nah, i bought this a while ago from some vintage store"

"can i try it on? i love vintage stuff" your face lighting up

Jaehyun smirks a little as he takes off your jacket with you taking yours off too. He hands you his jacket and holds onto yours as you put his one on.

You let out a gasp

"thanks, this is mine now" you grin at Jaehyun widely before jumping into the passenger seat of his car

Jaehyun looks blankly at you briefly

"baby what am i gonna wear then?"

"you don't need to though, it's not even that cold right now" you say as you place your arms on the edge of the car windows

"but what if it gets a bit chilly later on?"

"just wear mines" pointing to your jacket that he's currently holding

"this? you think this would fit me?"

"what? you won't know unless you try it on" shrugging your shoulders

Jaehyun reluctantly puts on your jacket. He struggles a bit with the sleeves but he manages to get it on. You start laughing as you see how small your jacket looks on him

"kinda suits you though" you laugh

"shut up" Jaehyun says jokingly as he whacks your arms

You fake a loud gasp as you place both of your hands on your chest, not breaking eye contact with him as he gets into the driver's seat

"Y/N you know i'm only joking" Jaehyun chuckles as you glare at him with a unimpressed face

You look away from him and roll your eyes

"baby come ooonnnn i'm sorry i was only jo-"

"just drive" you say with a monotone voice

Jaehyun looks at you for a moment, noticing you biting your lips. He realised sometime ago that it's something that you usually do to stop yourself from smiling or break out into laughter.

He takes your hand in his and gives it several kisses. Seeing you breaking out a small smile, he smiles to himself before starting the car and driving.


When you finally got there, Jaehyun happily took you to some of his favorite places he loved to visit. Hours went by quickly and you guys were hungry so Jaehyun decided to take you to a park and have a picnic. It was nice out too so why not.

You guys bought some food from a nearby cafe and set up a picnic spot that had a lovely view of the ocean. There was also a hiking trail in the area and you guys decided on doing that after some lunch.

After lunch, Jaehyun went and got both of you ice cream from an ice cream truck that was parked nearby

"you know what?" you say as you scoop out a another bite of the ice cream


"i think i'm gonna make it a goal to try as many different strawberry ice creams i can whenever i visit a new place"

"sounds good baby"

As you look out towards the ocean, Jaehyun takes the opportunity to give you a small kiss on the side of your lips which surprises you. You jump a bit and stare at him with wide eyes

"sorry, you just had a bit of ice cream there" Jaehyun smirks


You're quiet for a few seconds before saying

"is it all gone...?"

Jaehyun leans in closer and closer; he rubs his nose against yours lightly

"almost" he whispers against your lips before locking in with yours

Your first kiss. Oh how sweet it was.

Do you get deja vu?

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