Unexpected Company

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warning(s): language, horror themes

It's around 10 PM and you're still not asleep yet as usual

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It's around 10 PM and you're still not asleep yet as usual. The TV is on, playing in the background while you're lying down on the couch playing on your phone.

You were just minding your own business when the TV and the lights around you turned off all of a sudden.

You let out a yelp as soon as it happens, quickly looking up from your phone as your eyes scan around the apartment. You sit there on the couch frozen and it takes a few moments later to clock what just happened even though it was obvious.

A damn power cut.

"What the fuck?" you said out loud to yourself

Your apartment was now dark and gloomy, like straight out from a horror film. You did not like it one bit because you're afraid of the dark.

You've had a power cut before but it was so long ago that you weren't certainly expecting it to happen again. Not that power cuts happened frequently in your life. The last time you had one, it only affected your apartment building and you had one of your friends over so it wasn't so bad.

You don't remember it being this dark though as the lights from outside helped bring some light into your apartment. But this time, it's way darker than it was.

You turned around from your couch to look out the windows and realise that all the street lights and any sort of light source from outside were all gone.

"Wait, did the whole area lose power?" you furrow your brows in confusion

Your balcony doors were slightly open, the groans and complaints of your surrounding neighbours confirmed your suspicion.

The fact that not only your apartment building has lost power but the surrounding area outside has lost power too, making the whole place black. The only sort of light source you had was the flashlight from your almost dying phone and the lights from a few cars that were just passing along the streets but that didn't help at all.

You mentally slapped yourself for not getting up from the couch earlier to grab your charger and now you can't even do that because you won't be able to charge it anyway since the power is out so there's no point.

As you sat on the couch for a few minutes, several knocks on the door scared you from your thoughts. You cautiously turn the flashlight on from your phone and scan around your apartment hoping that there wasn't anyone but you there.

A few more knocks came. You curled your knees up towards your chest, staring at the front door. You were scared since you weren't expecting anyone at this hour let alone anyone in general.

For some reason, you had decided to go and see who or what was out there. Perhaps one of your neighbours needed help or perhaps it was a ghost coming to get you.

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