PT 3!!!!!

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You guys decide to host a concert in his basement, you both talk to his managers he lives with and they say it's completely fine to host at daddy ed's house. You two start putting up the advertising around the area.
This is what the ad looks like btw

you both decide this colourful ad is very good for attracting more people to come over to ed's concert so you both go out of town

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you both decide this colourful ad is very good for attracting more people to come over to ed's concert so you both go out of town. You both were putting them around the area so people are aware of ed's rawr-alicious concert

You both wait 5 days

There were 1000 tickets for the concert at his basement so you both decorate it up

"trust me the space is much bigger than it seems ed sheeran" said sussyballsmaster29393484

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"trust me the space is much bigger than it seems ed sheeran" said sussyballsmaster29393484

You and ed sheeran wait for this very fun,thrilling night but ed sheeran needs a outfit so you pick this wonderful for out for eddy boy!!!

You and ed sheeran wait for this very fun,thrilling night but ed sheeran needs a outfit so you pick this wonderful for out for eddy boy!!!

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You and all his fans LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE his sexy fit he is rocking bc he isn't like other guys RAWRRRR XD

The big night of the concert finally cummed around you both were so exhilarated about this event
"oh eddy i cant wait for this party"

ed sheeran preforms the among us in life (sus sus) in his sexy music style and the crown goes wild!!!!
but someone snuck in drugs and sold them to minors what has a very negative affect on the kiddiewinkles so they had to go to the hospital for overdose and died

you and ed sheeran have to attend the funeral


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