PT 5!!!!

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the rest of the funeral goers are very sad about ed sheerans tragic death,there was a other funeral on spot after that but you decided not to attend it bc you are a true alpha baddie.
You go to sleep that night but wake up at 2:38am in the morning to see the body of ed sheeran looking at you from the end of the bed.

You shit yourself after witnessing this paranormal experience. Ed sheeran comes over closer as you can smell his rotting corpse in the air,he goes onto the bed to look at your shit <3. He says that you haven't been eating enough kitten so he runs downstairs to your fridge and makes you something that could potentially poison you very badly to near death.
About half a hour later he comes over with a rather suspicious looking meal but you are smart enough to tell that this isn't a good thing to eat unless you want severe food poisoning and could die.
you decided to grab that unseasoned,raw,slimy chicken and make him deep-throught it very deep that you cut his breathing off for a few seconds.
You seemed to almost killed him again and he rung the police because you attempted murder on ed sheeran. About 20 mins pass and 7 policemen show up so you go to your bedroom and grab your dildos and whack them!!! go girlboss 😍

You seemed to make them unconscious enough so you threw them into your annoying neighbours garden. You went to sleep about a hour later.

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