Part 18 (Love)

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You woke up by the sunlight making your face glow..... You looked to your side saw there your somewhat devil husband sleeping peacefully..

You - Uggh  *body pain*

JK - *Slowly opening his eyes* Good morning babe....... how are you feeling... ?

You - You devil don't dare ask me that!! My whole body is fucking paining and I literally can't feel my lower body..! *shouting* Now you'll tae care of.... and don't dare to do anything right now or I swear I'll shoot you, cut your d*ck and feed it to pigs... !!! *sighing*

JK - Sorry darling ! I couldn't control myself yesterday but you have to bear with it as you're my first and will be last...


JK - B.. babe.. *scratching his nape* I'm s.. sorry ! I'll help you clean up * he scooped you up and walked to the washroom*

Time Skip

You were now both ready. You were feeling better now as he bought some pain-killers for you.. You throwing tantrums and shouting whole time and he babying you and taking care all the time.... without saying anything...

Jungkook was as usual ready in his suit with his gun.... and you were wearing this... 

JK - you look perfect as always

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JK - you look perfect as always.... you both were standing like JK's back was on window and you were facing him.... suddenly you was a suspicious man on building in front of you... he took out his gun and aiming towards you both,... you didn't think twice and pulled gun from your husband's coat and sot the man. Jungkook was astonished... looking at you..

You - Don't think much Mr. Husband I'm still a mafia queen.... *smirking*

JK - Indeed you are!! 

You both were looking down the window and laughing at chaos... you guys retuned to Jeon's Mansion....

And were now standing in the balcony and looking at view hand-in-hand.....

You - I love you Jungkook *you said*

JK - I love you too babe *happy and smiling*

You - Promise me you'll always love me like this only.....

JK - I promise babe Y/N ... I love you for infinity and eternity.... *Love in their eyes hugging each other*

________________________________________________________________________________Sorry for short chapter guys

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________________________________________________________________________________Sorry for short chapter guys....

So this was the end..

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