Part 4 (Shift In)

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Then one day he asked me to...

JK- Y/N let's shift in my house.
You- Ohkk !?! But how can I........
JK - Oh! You can. You know we are in a relationship now.
You - But I can't............

Suddenly something got injected in your neck and you started to feel dizzy

JK - Oh yes you will come bae😏
You- Who.........
And everything went black.

You opened your eyes and was welcomed by a great headache. You looked around to found yourself

 You looked around to found yourself

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Time skip
You: Aahh!!!My head..........
You woke up saw yourself in an unfamiliar room and tears appeared in your eyes
JK - Oh! You woke up babes ? Good, drink this..... (orange juice) for your headache
You - Where am I ? 😥
JK - In my mansion.......You didn't like it ?
You - Junkook listen plz let me go I wanna go to my dorm
JK - I told you Y/N... you can't don't ask me the same question again
You- You aren't understanding jk my plz le.....
JK - DON'T TEST MY can't leave this house, that's it, is it SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND, Huh ??
You - you started crying badly

He got up and left the room you ran towards the door but it was already locked, you banged but no answer...
You became tired and slept there only..

After 2 hours :
You woke up and saw................

JK caressing your face with his jacket undone and shirt half open .......

You jolted and sat up
You: what...t a..are you ?
You stared at his chest - he is hand... stop it y/n what tf are you thinking
JK: like the view...
You: Plz le..t me g...
JK: Look Y/N I already told you not to test my patience or you won't like the....... Consequences
You: ........
JK: Good, now you must be hungry ikr
You: Y..e.s..s
JK: Lily! Please bring the food....
Lily came in with a tray full of food in her hand
JK: Keep it here (bed stand)... here you can eat.
You: *Tried to take a bite*
JK: *pushes your hand away* I meant you can eat by my hand..😏
You: But I w.....
JK: You want to eat or not huh !?
JK: Here.......take it.

You refused to eat after sometime as you were full.

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