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The footsteps of the three men echoed in the hallway as they walked toward the receptionist. The emotions they are feeling are buried deep inside them and, their faces remain blank.

Soon they reach the receptionist to see her on a call.

"... Mr. Smith is already on his way down to handle the situation... Thank you, Mr. Johnson."

The lady sighed as she placed the receiver down. She looked up when she felt eyes on her.

Her eyes widen when she saw the three De Luca men in front of her.

The oldest of the three men cleared his throat and asked the receptionist, Miss Davis.

"I am Richard De Luca, here to meet my daughter, Avyanna Verena De Luca."

Miss Davis, after breaking out of her daze in shock when heard the name of his daughter.

"A-Avya-nna is your dau-daughter?"

Richard raised an eyebrow and replied, " Yes, indeed she is. Any problem?"

Miss Davis did not know what to do. She surely can't tell them where his daughter is so, she thought for a moment. She fidgeted with her fingers before clearing her throat and shaking her head and smiled as she answered,

"Of course not, sir. There is no problem. Her dorm number is DG220. It's on the second floor and the last door is at the end of the hallway. Will you be able to find or should I send someone with you?"

"What about Avyanna. Where is she?" Another man asked in an emotionless voice.

"S-she uh..." Miss Davis stuttered as she thought of an excuse when a thought passed her mind, "Oh Yes! She went to buy some stationery items for the school office. She will be back in a while."

The three men knew in an instant that she is lying. That's why Richard narrowed his eyes and asked the trembling Miss Davis,

"Last chance to tell us where she is?"

"S-Sir, why don't you wait in her dorm-m while Mr. Smith gets her." She replied in a weak voice.

"Where is she?" The last De Luca man asked, and the three waited impatiently to know where their baby is.

The father of Avyanna lost his control and banged his hand on the desk as Miss Davis mumbled in total fright.


"P-Police Station."


".... At last, having enough of me, she sent me to detention for the next two hours, not knowing that I messed with her to save everyone from the loads of assignments she was planning on dumping on us for the weekends. We got full weekends without any homework."

Laughter echoed in the cells as they laughed at the girl's story. Even the guards laughed at the girl's story.

A guard walked towards the cell where the girl who has been narrating stories since she has been here, which was like 15 minutes ago before, is sitting.

He opened the small cell door and motioned her to come out.

Her expression turned amazed.

"Wow... That was fast..." She stood up and stretched her hands before walking towards the door as she continued, "... Well, see you later, fellas." She gave a finger salute to her cellmates before tucking her hands in her jean's front pocket as she followed the guard.

Soon they reached the office area of the police station, where several police officers waved at her. She waved back with a small smile on her face. The guard she was following pointed towards the cabin of Mr. Johnson. She nodded before walking towards the cabin.

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